Artistic tradition. Art Gallery Extension of Nanjing University of the Arts by Atelier Diameter

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Design team
Lead architect.- Zhang Nan. Yang Junwei, Zhang Xiaoyuan, Sun Xiao, Ou Renwei. Structure Design.- Jian Jin, Yulong Qiu, Yong Liu, Feng Wang.
Design institute.- ZhongSen Architectural & Engineering Designing Consultants. LTD.
Water and Drainage Supply Design.- Yujin Huang.
Heating and Ventilation Design.- Lingye Song.
Electrical Design.- Kelan Cao.
Lighting Consultant.- Ning Field Lighting Design Corp. LTD.
Nanjing University of the Arts.
565 sqm.
December, 2016 - June, 2019.
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.

Zhang Nan. Atelier Diameter

Atelier Diameter is an architectural practice led by architect Zhang Nan since 2015. The studio is part of Shanghai Johnson (Zhongsen) Architectural & Engineering Designing Consultants Ltd. based in Shanghai.

Over the years, Zhang Nan has participated in and presided dozens of projects of various types as a design leader. These projects include urban renewal, industrial renovation, cultural public building series, university educational building series, large public buildings, cultural tourism hotels, and industrial plants, etc.

He has published more than ten articles on design and museums in multiple core professional journals. He is the executive editor of the book The Profound Beauty: Planning and Architecture in NAU. He has also participated in the compilation the sub-volume on Museums in Expo Architecture in Architectural Design Information Collection (Third Edition). Design works of his have been selected into multiple albums, such as Chinese Young Architects 188, Perspective of Chinese Architecture 1993-2010. Selected Works of ASC Young Architects Awards, Beiyang Ingenuity – Alumni Works Collection of School of Architecture Tianjin University, etc.

His works have won multiple international and domestic provincial and ministerial awards, and he received the 6th China Architecture Society Outstanding Young Architecture Award in July 2017.

Member of the Committee of Vertical City and Complex Building, the Architectural Society of China (ASC), Council Member of the Architectural Society of Shanghai China (ASSC), Member of the Academic Committee of ASSC, Member of the Architectural Design Professional Committee of ASSC, Member of the Creative Academic Department of ASSC, International Member of International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS).

External Supervisor for Professional Master, School of Architecture and Urban Planning Chongqing University, External Supervisor at Southeast University Graduate School, Professorial Senior Architect, Research Fellow at Architectural Heritage Research Center, Chinese Academy, China Construction Technology Consulting Co., Ltd.



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