Capriccio Romano, curated by Alex Susanna, deputy director of the Institute Ramon Llull, born of the artistic collaboration between the Italian architect Benedetta Tagliabue, Estudio Miralles Tagliabue EMBT of Barcelona and the Catalan artist Jacint Todó.
Having worked on previous projects, the exhibition of the Academy of Spain in Rome is presented as a new dialogue between the work of both. Through different facilities, which occupy the showroom of the Academy and the emblematic Temple of Bramante, presents a reinterpretation, built from fragmentation and capricious play of perspectives, different architectures and spaces Romans. Among romans spaces who represent like a Pop-up book on a human scale is involved, include various sites in the Eternal City: Markets of Trajan, the Imperial Forums, the source of the 4 rivers of Bernini, the Straight Regia of the Vatican, or the prospect of Borromini Spada palace, among others. An exhibition that brings together a few meters true follies of Rome, led by the Temple of Bramante, the first monument of the Renaissance paradigm.
Through these three-dimensional photo collages by Tagliabue with Todó's paintings done the fusion between the plastic and resulting architectural vision of new architectural and landscape space contained within the exhibition space.
Organizeb by.- Real Academia de Espana en Roma. Miralles Tagliabue EMBT
Sponsor by.- Real Academia de España en Roma. Institut Ramon Llull. Gran Melià Luxury. HP Hewlett-Packard
Artists.- Bendetta Tagliabue / Miralles Tagliabue EMBT - Jacint Todò.
Courator.- EMBT
Coordination.- Miralles Tagliabue EMBT: Katrina Varian / Alessandra Pirovano
Real Academia de Espana en Roma: Arturo Escudero / Laura Limón.
Instituto Ramón Llull
Venue: Real Academia de España. Piazza di San Pietro in Montorio, 3. 00153 Rome.
Date: May 10th - June 10 th 2012. Free Entrance, 10.00 - 21.00 h.