The challenge of turning a non-place into a place. Urban Park El Dique by Taller de Urbanismo MX

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Projectors.- Arq. Daniela Aguirre Guzmán, Arq. Psj. Jennifer Yamile Camacho Hernández, Arq. Psj. Fabiola Cruz Zafra.
Mota- Engil México.
8,962 sqm.
Beginning of design.- November 2021.
Completion.- December 2022.
Av. Central, S/N, col.Potrero Chico, C.P 55119. Ecatepec de Morelos, State of Mexico. Mexico.
Jimena Cid del Prado, Erik Jiménez Reyes & Daniela Aguirre Guzmán.

TUMX. Taller de Urbanismo MX

TUMX, founded in 2014, is a company specialising in the planning, design, execution and management of urban projects, offering its professional services in Mexico and abroad, providing the solutions currently demanded by city developers (private or public) in the face of the risks, challenges and opportunities posed by the current situation.

The experience of the partners and the TUMX team has been focused on the development of urban and infrastructure projects, both in Mexico and abroad. We have more than a decade dedicated to the construction sector, in projects at different scales and for both private and public, federal, state and municipal government clients. They have worked on various projects to improve the urban environment, seeking to create quality public spaces to contribute to a more organised and planned city.

For TUMX, the most important value is the team they have. The key to the generation of a successful project is the commitment, passion and motivation with which we undertake the task. The team is based on cooperation, respect and continuous growth.



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