The XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism publishes the finalist projects in the calls for Research, End of Degree Projects, and Photography. A total of 82 proposals have been Finalists in the call 'Research Sample' and 19 in "Sample Final Degree Projects"; The winners of which will be announced on July 2, coinciding with the inauguration in Valladolid.

As for the "Photography Show", 25 authors have been Finalists in a call that has received 166 works under the slogan "Empty Spain, Full Spain. Reconciliation strategies".
The call for this edition has served as a meeting point between architecture and urban planning and citizenship, a space in which, depending on the category, new talents have been able to participate in the 'Final Degree Project Show', to anyone from the general public, in the 'Photography Show'.

The XV BEAU exhibitions will have a double physical venue, from June 28 to September 16 in the Barcelona Pavilion and from July 2 to October 10 in the Patio Herreriano in Valladolid and a third virtual venue on its website.

Description by Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (BEAU)

In the middle of the final stretch for the beginning of the XV Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennial (BEAU) we know more details of one of the key events of the summer cultural agenda: convened by the Ministry of Transport , Mobility and Urban Agenda through the General Directorate of Urban Agenda and Architecture in collaboration with the Higher Council of the Colleges of Architects of Spain (CSCAE) and the Arquia Foundation, the BEAU will be held from June 28 to September 16 in the Barcelona Pavilion, and from July 2 to October 10 in the Patio Herreriano in Valladolid.

If a few days ago we learned about the Finalist projects of the call 'Panorama de Obras de Arquitectura y Urbanismo', which will reward the most relevant architecture and urban planning of the last three years coinciding with the inauguration in Barcelona on June 28, now it is the turn to meet the Finalists of the rest of the categories: 'Research Exhibition', 'Final Degree Project Exhibition', and 'Photography Exhibition'; The winners of which will be announced on July 2, coinciding with the inauguration in Valladolid.

In this edition, the double physical headquarters of the Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennial is joined by a third space or virtual headquarters, from where you can follow all the news; a platform that will accommodate news, agenda or parallel programming as well as monitoring via streaming of the different events related to the XV BEAU.

Present and future of architecture: Research and End of Degree

Divided into the Product categories —11 Finalist projects—, Research Articles —26 Finalist projects— and Publications —45 Finalists—, the 'Research Sample' call has received a total of 467 proposals that reflect a decided commitment to innovation and sustainability and that, as in the case of the Products presented, and this is highlighted by the jury, "they respond to a very high practical utility and relevance in the context of the social and cultural context of the moment", but also to a "responsibility architecture and urban planning".

Regarding the Publications and Research Articles, the XV BEAU curatorial team - made up of the architects Óscar M. Ares and Anna and Eugeni Bach , highlights.-

"The works presented are a faithful reflection of the richness implicit in the architectural culture and they offer an accurate overview of the issues that have focused the attention of architects and researchers in the last period ".

In this sense, historical analysis, heritage, technology or sustainability are some of the themes present in these works, and they will also be of an event that does not forget to look to the future.

And it is that in the XV BEAU there is an outstanding space for new talents. The call 'Sample of Final Degree Projects' —which has received 251 works of which 19 have been Finalists— offers us, in the words of the curators.-

"A very optimistic perspective of the future that the architecture of our country holds; a a very diverse panorama supported both by the different approaches of Spanish architecture schools and by a good technical capacity in favor of the social, cultural, environmental, spatial and constructive values ​​of architecture and urban planning".

Views on the double territorial reality: Photography exhibition

In line with the vocation of this edition to serve as a meeting point between architecture and urban planning and citizenship, the 'Photography Exhibition' is one of the novelties of the XV BEAU, since it is open to the participation of the general public to show, from the collection of contemporary snapshots provided, the reality of the territories that make up our geography.

On this occasion, 25 authors have been Finalists, standing out among the 166 works presented both for their technical execution and for their communicative ability in relation to the theme of the XV BEAU: Empty Spain, Full Spain. Conciliation strategies; a curatorial proposal that will try to offer an overview that contributes to the approach and reflection on the conciliation capacities that architecture and urban planning may have with respect to the different territorial realities that exist in the country; that of a dense, dynamic and populated Spain; and that of another with less density, more invariable and uninhabited.

About the jury

Together with the general director of Urban Agenda and Architecture Iñaqui Carnicero, Marta Vall-Llossera, the first vice president of CSCAE, and Naiara Montero, architect and patron of the Arquia Foundation, the team of curators of the XV BEAU has been part of a jury at the Other prominent professionals have joined such as: Stephen Bates, Véronique Patteeuw, María Castrillo, Carmen Moreno and Alberto Veiga —Panorama of Works—, Carolina B. García-Estévez, Santiago de Molina —Research Sample—, Ignacio García Pedrosa, Ariadna Gutiérrez —Show Final Degree Projects—, Ana Amado and Jordi Bernadó —Photography Show—.

About the BEAU

The Biennial of Spanish Architecture and Urbanism (BEAU), which has been held since 1991, is an initiative of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA) that aims to recognize, reward and disseminate a set of high-quality works, which can represent the most diverse panorama of Spanish architecture and urban planning of the years covered by the call.

The BEAU is part of the Program for the Promotion of Diffusion and Internationalization of Architecture of the General Directorate of Architecture and Urban Agenda, whose strategic goal is to project Spanish architecture as an international benchmark for contemporary architecture that knows how to combine the cultural, historical and artistic identity of its heritage with innovation and modernity.

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Dates and Location
From June 28 to September 16 at the Barcelona Pavilion and from July 2 to September 23 at the Patio Herreriano in Valladolid.
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Óscar Miguel Ares. Valladolid, 1972. Archtiect from School of Architecture of Valladolid, in 1998. In 2010, he obtained the title of Doctor from the University of Valladolid - for the thesis "GATEPAC 1928-1939" - being his tutor Mr. Juan Antonio Cortés. Since 2013 he is professor of design at the ETS de Arquitectura de Valladolid. He has collaborated, as visiting professor, at ETSA La Salle (Ramón Lluch University, Barcelona), at San Pablo CEU University (Valladolid) and at the School of Design at Al Ghurari University (Dubai, UAE).
His texts and works on architectural criticism have been published in different publications as well as by the composition and projects departments of the ETSA Madrid, UPC in Barcelona –with whom he has assiduously collaborated as editor in the publication DC Papers-, ETSA in Seville and ETSA Cartagena. He has given conferences and lectures in Helsinki, Mexico City, Porto, Pamplona, ​​Barcelona, ​​Madrid or Seville. Author of the book: "Alternative Modernity. Transits of form in Spanish architecture (1930-1936)" University of Valladolid (2016).
Since March 2012 he has been carrying out his professional work alone, together with the architect Bárbara Arranz, under the Contextos de Arquitectura y Urbanismo brand. As an architect he has won various competitions, his work being awarded at the XIV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism 2018; work exhibited in the Spanish Pavilion of the XII Biennale di Venezia (May 2021); selected in XI Biennial of Ibero-American Architecture of Architecture and Urbanism Paraguay (October 2019); finalist in the 2018 FAD Awards; finalist in the 2017 Spanish Architecture Awards; selected Enor Awards (2020), Awarded with the American Architecture Prize (New York, 2017, Bilbao 2019); Awarded with the International Architecture Awards 2018 granted by The Chicago Athenaeum / Europeen (Athens, 2018); Awarded with The Plan Award, (Venice 2018, Milan 2019); more than a dozen awards and mentions at the Castilla y León Architecture Awards (2009, 2011, 2016, 2018 and 2020), as well as awarded at the Castilla y León Sustainable Construction Awards (2017 and 2018). His works have been published in numerous national and international magazines, including METALOCUS, Domus, Arquitectura Viva, Tectónica, Hic Arquitectura or Baumeister, On Diseño and he has exhibited in Madrid, Seville, Venice, Paris and New York.

Director, together with Anna and Eugeni Bach, of the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, "Empty Spain / Full Spain; conciliation strategies", forming part of the different juries of the awarded categories.

2016  2015

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Anna Bach, Nummi, Finland, 1973. Architect from the Helsinki University of Technology (2001) and Master in Project Theory and Practice from ETSAB, UPC. She is a PDI professor at EINA, Barcelona University Center for Design and Art, UAB. His work has been awarded, among others, with the International FAD Award, the FAD Ephemeral Work Award and the FAD Opinion Award on four occasions, as well as Finalist and Selected in the Spanish Biennial and the Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, Nominated for the European Architecture Mies van der Rohe and exhibited in venues such as the Cité de l'Architecture in Paris or the Spanish Pavilion at the XV Venice Biennale.

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Eugeni Bach, Barcelona, Spain 1974. Architect by the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona, UPC (1999), Professor of Projects at the ETSAB UPC and the Master EPAI of the ETS Arquitectura La Salle, URL. His work has been awarded, among others, with the International FAD Award, the FAD Award for Ephemeral Work and the FAD of Opinion on four occasions, as well as a Finalist and Selected in the Spanish Biennial and the Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, Nominated for the Award of European Architecture Mies van der Rohe and exhibited in venues such as the Cité de l'Architecture in Paris or the Spanish Pavilion at the VII and XV Venice Biennale.

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Anna & Eugeni Bach is an architecture studio founded in 1999 by Anna Bach and Eugeni Bach. The study operates in a broad spectrum of design, from urban planning and architecture to interior and object design.

Anna Bach, Nummi, Finland, 1973. Architect by the Helsinki University of Technology, 2001. Visitant professor at 'Taller Vertical' in ESARQ UIC, Barcelona, directed by Duncan Lewis (1999). PDI Professor in EINA – Univeristy Center of Design and Art in Barcelona, Universitat Autónoma de Bellaterra, Barcelona (2008 – currently).

Eugeni Bach, Barcelona, Spain 1974. Architect by the ETSAB, UPC, 1999. Visitant professor at 'Taller Vertical' in ESARQ UIC, Barcelona, directed by Duncan Lewis (1999). Proffesor in the Mies van der Rohe Chair, ETSAB UPC, under the direction of David Chipperfield (2001). Projects Proffesor in La Salle School of Architecture, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona (2005 - currently).
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