La Maddalena, are two short films which are screening in the Arsenal at Venice. The former Arsenal, partly planned by Stefano Boeri on the island of La Maddalena for the G8 in 2009, is one of the darkest moments of Italian politics in recent years - a polluted, abandoned and inaccessible site. The story of a disaster, symbolizing one of the largest financial and environmental squanders in recent years.
Just 3 miles away, the island of Budelli is an earthly paradise. Mauro Morandi, solitary guardian of the island, has been living for more than 25 years as a Robinson Crusoe of the XXI century. Using what the storms and tides spill onto the beaches, he creates objects, sculptures and furniture. La Maddalena Chair is one of his creations, made of wood reclaimed from the sea and pieces of Murano glass from the facade of the former Arsenal.
The two videos, presented in the installation, bring face to face two stories of lonely resistance in reaction to the waste the G8 affair embodies: the political reflection of Stefano Boeri who comes back on the reasons of this painful failure and the poetic act of Mauro Morandi which, through recycling, makes us think about the ethics of creation.
Dates.- 07 June 2014 - 23 November 2014.
Venue.- Pavilion at Arsenale. Venice, Italy.
La Maddalena
The island of La Maddalena was supposed to host the G8 summit in July 2009 but on April 23, 2009, the Prime Minister at the time, Silvio Berlusconi decided to move the event to Aquila, a city that had just been destroyed by an earthquake.
The brand-new complex of the former Arsenal on the island planned by Sefano Boeri to host the event was slowly abandoned.
A court inquest followed which revealed illegal management practices involving corruption, fraud against the state and enviromental pollution.
The site, which was supposed to be reclaimed is still polluted today and therefore is completely closed off.
The film is conceived as an introspective wandering of the architect Stefano Boeri going through the abandoned spaces.
Title.- La Maddalena.
Authors.- Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine.
Duration.- 12 min.
Year.- 2014.
Language: Italian.
Production: Bêka & Partners.
La Maddalena Chair.
Mauro Morandi, solitary caretaker of Budelli Island, has been living there for more than 25 years, like a modern Robinson Crusoe.
He creates objects, sculptures and furniture from everything that storms and the sea toss up onto the island's beaches.
The “Maddalena Chair” is one of his creations made from wood recovered from the sea and pieces of Murano glass from the former Arsenal on La Maddalena Island.
Title.- La Maddalena Chair.
Authors.- Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine.
Duration.- 25 min.
Year.- 2014.
Language: Italian.
Production: Bêka & Partners.