But also with thimbles, bells ... Everyday objects tell stories that go beyond the obvious. Today Monday January 30th opens at the Museum Drawing and Illustration ABC's new exhibition "Thomas the infidel" by artist Noa Lidor, won top Prize of Drawing of ABC Museum. This exhibition is a joint initiative of the center and the art fair JustMad.

Noa Lidor (Israel, 1977) won the first edition of Museo ABC Drawing Prize in 2011. This prize is the result of a joint venture between the Museum and JustMad art fair, and it consists of the production and organization of an exhibition which allows visitors to explore the prize-winner’s work more fully.

The act of drawing is paramount to Lidor’s practice, not only in the creation of actual drawings on paper, but also in her sculptures and installations, which extend the act of drawing into the realm of the three dimensional, creating, for example, a drawing with thimbles embedded in the wall or with mounds of salt placed on a tabletop.

Noa Lidor´s work is characterised by its poetic and sensual utilization of unassuming materials such as paper, plaster and wax, and of everyday domestic objects, such as the furniture of a family home. Her works often employ ready-made objects, disrupting their intended use to create new narratives . The subject matter of her oeuvre is fuelled by poetry and mythological stories which transform chameleon-like, adopting cultural idiosyncrasies and blending in with the folk traditions of a variety of seemingly distanced and unrelated communities. A recurrent theme in Lidor’s work is boundaries and breakdowns in communication: some of her pieces involve musical instruments that are rendered soundless, while others employ Braille texts that become absurdly inaccessible to the blind and the seeing alike. The works on show in this exhibition embody a sense of paradox, pointing at the gap between the visual and the tactile, surface and depth, doubt and faith, and language and genuine experience.

centro de arte / dibujo / ilustración
Venue: MUSEO ABC, Calle Amaniel 29-31. 28015 MADRID.
Schedule – January 30 until March 18, 2012.

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Noa Lidor nace en Israel en enero 1977, y se gradúa con honores en la Bezalel Academy of Art and Design de Jerusalén en 2001. Completa su MA en la Chelsea College of Art and Design de Londres (Reino Unido).

Actualmente vive y trabaja en Londres.Ha participado en numerosas exposiciones y producido piezas site-specific bajo encargo ("commissions") para el Museo Tate Modern de Londres (Reino Unido), el museo Abbot Hall (Reino Unido), la galería La Caja Blanca (España) y el Museo de Haifa (Israel).

Su trabajo se materializa en forma de dibujo, escultura e instalación, y destaca por el uso poético y sensual de materiales humildes como el papel, el yeso, o la sal, así como objetos cuotidianos en el entorno doméstico, como el mobiliario de una casa familiar, o los instrumentos musicales que al ser apropiados por la artista, pierden su función original. En febrero 2012 recibe el premio dibujo contemporáneo, concedido conjuntamente por el Museo ABC y la feria JustMadrid. Lidor trabaja con la galería Green Cardamom en el Reino Unido y la galería La Caja Blanca en España.

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