Renovation of a home in a building by Gustavo Fernández Balbuena. Fourth Bocel by Gonzalo del Val + Toni Gelabert

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Estudio Gonzalo del Val, Toni Gelabert Arquitectes. Lead architects.- Gonzalo del Val, Toni Gelabert.
Collaborators.- Clara Castañeda.
License.- García - from Muros Arquitectos.
Madrid, Spain.

Antonio Gelabert Amengual. Toni Gelabert Arquitecte

Antonio Gelabert Amengual, is an Architect by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona of the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya and Master in Advanced Architectural Projects by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

He has developed the Doctorate with Mention Towards Excellence in Advanced Architectural Projects in the Department of Architectural Projects of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (UPM).

Gonzalo del Val. Estudio Gonzalo del Val

Estudio Gonzalo del Val is an architectural firm based in Madrid. They are dedicated to design and build from buildings to objects. They work combining and assembling desires, forms, techniques, structures, and materials. They believe in a design permeable to the unknown where to enjoy the everyday.

The team is open and adaptable to the particular needs of each project, collaborating horizontally with other agents and specialists.

Gonzalo del Val is an architect since 2010 by the European University of Madrid, graduated with honors, and Master in Research of Advanced Architectural Projects by the ETSA Madrid. He combines his professional activity with teaching and academic research at the School of Architecture of the UEM since 2012.



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