Rue de Lourmel Project by TVK Architectes Urbanistes

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Pierre Alain Trévelo - Antoine Viger-Kohler TVK Architectes Urbanistes

TVK is a Paris-based architecture and urban planning practice in 2003 by Pierre Alain Trévelo and Antoine Viger-Kohler. Its multidisciplinary 35-person international team works on public and private projects ranging in scale from the object to the city. TVK has achieved international recognition for its novel and decompartmentalised approach to projects responding to extremely complex realities, notably with the Palmarès des Jeunes Urbanistes in 2005 and the Nouveaux Albums des Jeunes Architectes in 2006.

TVK now has a very broad portfolio of work and tends towards an open, collective approach, particularly in complex architectural achievements such as the redevelopment of Place de la République in Paris, Olympe de Gouges “zero energy” school complex in Arcueil, urban studies improving integration, such as the urban insertion study for the Periphérique, the Garonne Eiffel urban project in Bordeaux or the scientific council of Atelier International du Grand Paris (Greater Paris).




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