A house that maintains a traditional essence. Casa de la Sevillana by estudio Primitivo González

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Estudio Primitivo González / e. G.a. Architects.- Ara González Cabrera, Noa González Cabrera.
Technical Architect.- Juan Carlos Corona.
Building Services Engineering.- Reuqav Ingenieros S.L. | Jesús Vaquer.
Structural Engineering.- Pejarbo, S.L. | Félix Camazón.
Topography.- Roberto Gómez.
Coheca | Hnos. Carrilero Parreño S.L.
697,78 m².
Start of construction.- 2020.
Completion of construction.- 2022.
Sisante - Cuenca. España.

Primitivo González, Noa González, Ara González. Estudio primitivo González

Estudio primitivo González | eGa is an architecture studio founded 45 years ago by Primitivo González, to whose experience and leadership Noa González and Ara González have joined for 10 years.

The motivation that drives the practice of the study is to be aware that, with each new building, collective heritage is built. They pursue quality architecture, with the multiple aspects of this term: an architecture that builds the city, that is respectful of the environment, and, above all, that dignifies people. In the search for that dignity, there are the most immutable aspects of architecture. They try to produce an architecture on a human scale, that is comfortable and serves in the best possible way the function that is going to be developed in it, while generating collective identity. An architecture that lasts.

Programmatically, the studio is specialized in four main aspects: work spaces, healthcare architecture, singular residential and educational architecture. However, beyond the programs, they look for the opportunity to generate flexible and resilient architectures that are capable of responding to the needs of the present, and those that are to come.

Geographically, the studio has its origins in Valladolid, but in its last stage it has opened up to the national and international scene. Developing architectural projects for public and private clients, with wide recognition of its quality. Among the recent work, the Salem Town Hall in Germany stands out, (Castilla y León Architecture Award 2020-21 and finalist in the Spanish Architecture Biennial 2021), or the rehabilitation of a pavilion for the Courts of Alcalá de Henares (Award COAM 2021).

The studio currently has projects under development or construction in Barcelona, Mallorca, Toledo, Malaga and several cities in Castilla y León.




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