Alexander Konstantinov. Engravings that amplify the urban scene

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Aleksander Konstantinov

Alexander Konstantinov, born in 1953 in Moscow, is an artist and architect. He graduated from Moscow University of Electronics and Mathematics in 1977. He has a PhD in mathematics. In Soviet Era he was working as underground artist. From the beginning of perestroika he had opened his art for public. Alexander’s artwork has been exhibited in museums and galleries in Europe and the United States. From the beginning of the XXI century he started to create large size installations in public spaces and gradually moved to work on the actual architectural projects.

In his architectural work, Alexander Konstantinov has designed buildings, public spaces and parks, industrial objects and developed municipal master plans. Among his completed projects are: a city bus station and several hotels in Esch-sur-Alzette, a school in Rumelange (Luxembourg), Sokolniki Park (Moscow), a power plant (Luxembourg), and Turn Park (Massachusetts).




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