AMIDA HOUSE / アミダハウス

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Kazuyasu Kochi

Kazuyasu Kochi. Born in Chiba, Japan (1973). He completed his degree of Architecture in the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Art of theTokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in 1998. In the same university, he completed his masterals during the year 2000. Today, he is both an Architect and a Lecturer at the Shibaura Institute of Technology, Kyoto Seika University.

In 2003, he established his architectural firm, Kochi Architect's Studio. The firm is very interdisciplinary in their designs since they specialize in all types of Architecture like interior design, residential design, exhibition design and lighting design. Also, they are able to augment other elements like light and technology in an exceptional manner.

Arch. Kazuyasu Kochi looks for both Inspiration and Innovation in designing. These two factors make his designs both avant-garde and unpredictable but at the same time he is able to adjust accordingly to please and accommodate the needs of his client. A good example of one of his project that show his two design philosophies is the Colours House project that was inspired from a TV and is very unique in its lighting. A few of his other popular works are the House kn, Amida house and the Atelier for a Caligrapher.


2011 Chubu Architecture Award: Amida House
2009 AR Awards, Shortlisted: House kn
2008 Izumozaki Design Competition, First Prize: a piece of Koboku
2006 Infill Design Competition, First Prize
2003 Aluminum Design Competition, Second Prize
2002 SD Review 2002, Newcomer Prize




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