Sou Fujimoto Architects won the competition “Joia Méridia macrolot” in Nice, France, together with Cino Zucchi Architetti, Anouk Matecki Architectes, Carta Associés, Chartier Dalix and Laisnè Roussel, under coordination of Lambert Lenack Studio.
On 17 January in Paris, Christian Estrosi, the Mayor of Nice and President of the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis, unveiled the model and visuals of the Joia Méridia macrolot, which will be produced by a team composed of Pitch Promotion, Eiffage Immobilier and the architectural firm Lambert Lénack. The Méridia tower, designed by the Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto, will breadk ground in 2021.

The international and multidisciplinary team, which has been coordinated by Lambert Lénack Architects, comprises work by Sou Fujimoto, Cino Zucchi, Chartier Ddalix, Laisné Roussel, Anouk Matecki, Roland Carta, and landscape architect Alain Faragou. the brief called for a proposal that was inspired by the region’s vernacular architecture as well its mediterranean climate. the integration of vegetation was also an important factor, with a vegetable garden, an aromatic plant garden, and an experimental garden all included.
Program.- On 73,500 m² of floor area (SP) approximately, Joia Méridia will offer 51,300 m² of housing (8OO housing units with a "free, controlled, social rental and social housing" distribution), 7,900 m² of hotels and similarly, 6,100 m² of shops, 2,850 m² of offices and services, more than 5,000 m² for the Cité du bien-être and 1220 private and public parking spaces.

The development is structured around a network of three public spaces: the metropolitan square, surrounded by a succession of high-rise buildings, including Sou Fujimoto’s ‘Méridia tower’; Méridia plaza, a reinterpretation of Nice’s traditional squares; and the patio, an intimate courtyard set within a wellness center designed by Laisné Roussel. It is hoped that the project, which represents an investment of €275 million, will be completed within six years, with the first buildings opening in 2021.

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Architect Coordinator
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Lambert Lénack Architects, comprises work by Sou Fujimoto, Cino Zucchi, Chartier Ddalix, Laisné Roussel, Anouk Matecki, Roland Carta, and landscape architect Alain Faragou.
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Betem / Even conseil / G2I / Ingerop/ Manifesto / Office for Cities / Vigilia
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Pitch Promotion — Eiffage Immobilier- SODES
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73,500 sqm / 791,147 sqf
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Commercial operators
Hoops Factory / Interparking / Le Five / Merci Oscar / Monoprix / Oobut Carré Pétanque / Plateau urbain / Privilodge / Réside etudes SIESHE / Terre de Monaco
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Lambert Lénack architects urbanistes is an agency founded in 2012 by Adrien Lambert and Etienne Lénack. LAMBERT LÉNACK was declared laureate of the 2014 Young Urban Planners' Award by the Ministry of Housing and Territorial Equality for its innovative approach.

Adrien Lambert has a multidisciplinary background (Art, Architecture). Graduate of Decorative Arts, Central St Martins and the School of Architecture of Marne-la-Vallée.

Étienne Lénack is architect DPLG (Architecture School of Marne-la-Vallée) and urban planner OPQU. He consolidated a linear path by working for 15 years at Ateliers Lion, 8 years as a partner from 2003 to 2011. He is a teacher at the National School of Architecture in Paris Val-de-Seine.

 The agency now has a team of about twenty architects, and works intensively on a wide variety of projects and scales: urban planning, housing and public facilities. Urban projects focus on territorial strategies such as the Villetaneuse University and Urban Project, urban developments such as the Massy-Galvani site or the development of public spaces such as the Porte de Vincennes. The agency is currently working on a thousand social housing or accession, in the form of projects of various scales. The public equipment projects concern cultural or university programs with rehabilitations for La Géode or Paris-La Sorbonne University.

Arabelle Antonio, Hadrien Auziol, Adrien Baillon, Coralie Barthe, Valentin Beaudoin, Jean-Baptiste Bouvet, Guido Capecchi, Pierre Charny-Brunet, Guillaume Desnoulez, Alexis Erlich, Claire de Fraguier, Sebastien Gnaedig, Alice Hajaje, Luc Harel, Aymeric Le Bon , Maeva Liaut, Jean Marmey, Filippo Medolago, Anne-Lise Mege, Mederic Morel, Julie Rondeau, Felix Roy, Agathe Thubert, Hyacinth Pesci, Lorenzo Santosuosso, Francesco Virgillito.
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Chartier Dalix architectes is composed of 50 people. Since its founding in 2008 by Frédéric Chartier and Pascale Dalix, the ChartierDalix office has delivered some fifteen buildings. Noticed at several international competitions, it was awarded a number of prizes, among which the Première Œuvre du Moniteur prize in 2009, and the “40 under 40” European prize for young architects in 2012. The residence hall at the Porte des Lilas (Paris 20th arrondissement) was nominated for the Equerre d’argent prize and the Mies van der Rohe Award in 2014. The office recently received the “Le Soufaché” prized awarded by the French Academy of Architecture in recognition of its work as a whole.

Laureate in 2016 of the international Réinventer-Paris competition for the Ternes-Villiers site and in 2017 with the Nouvelle AOM (Franklin Azzi Architecture and Hardel & Le Bihan Architectes) for the project “Demain Montparnasse,” the office masters a broad range of commissions and programs, both public, such as the La Courneuve train station of the Grand Paris Express, and private, notably several projects involving commercial properties, and hotels.

Four construction sites are underway in 2018: Foor apartment projects, 24,200 m² of offices and the redevelopment of the Caserne de Lourcine (former barracks) in Paris 13th arrondissement for the Université de Paris 1.

The firm has delivered several projects this year, from the restructuring of the Renault design center in Guyancourt 78 (Les Yvelines); the Tafanel warehouses, rue d’Aubervilliers in Paris 19th arrondissement; and 24,200 m² of offices and businesses in the Zac Batignolles (Joint Development Zone Business Park) in Paris 17th arrondissement.

For the last several years, the research department of the office has undertaken work on the integration of the biosphere in architecture. This theme was the inspiration for the project called “Architecture and Biodiversity: Imagining a new urban ecosystem,” which was selected under the framework of the request for proposals for the FAIRE project, launched by the Pavillon de l’Arsenal.

The many investigations and analyses undertaken by the office, and the diversity of responses received concerning its buildings form an ensemble that reflects the evolution of contemporary living conditions. For this young team, architecture is envisaged as a built system combining the integration of the biosphere and poetry.

Three construction works are currently being conducted: an office-buildings operation in the Paris-Batignolles urban development zone (Zone d’Aménagement Concerté), a logistical hub in Paris (19th arr.) and the restructuration of the Renault design pole in Guyancourt.

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Laisné Roussel architects, is an architecture studio established in Paris since 2003. The partners Nicolas Laisné and Dimitri Roussel have manage to gather a multicultural and multidisciplinary team together operating in the fields of architecture, urbanism, research and development. These 30 multipurpose and proactive collaborators are fully part of the laisné roussel outlook.

Internationally recognized, laisné roussel develops a wide range of projects and programs, from small scale private homes to large scale urban design. While many of their designs are distinguished private operations including residential buildings, offices and campus, they have also completed highly recognized public facilities, such as educational buildings.

Aiming to enrich its projects, the studio punctually joins forces with other architects. Thus, it enables them to conceive more complex proposals and to gain skills through a collaborative dialogue. Sharing visions, practices and methods are dynamics they implement to step out from their comfort zone and to renew propositions. Daring and optimistic, the studio works especially within constraints to convert them into opportunities for creating added value.

Realistic and open, laisné roussel’s architects are in tunewith the pulse of contemporary life and its permanent changes. Their designs are future oriented while responding to immediate needs. laisné roussel is currently developing innovative\/groundbreaking projects such as the residential tower l’Arbre Blanc (the White Tree) in Montpellier, the bioclimatic offices building in Nice Méridia and a new shared educational building of Ecole Polytechnique in the cluster of Paris Saclay.

laisné roussel is also designing projects with a more cultural purpose such as a pavilion for the next Lyon Architecture Biennale (summer 2017) or the exhibition “Haut Dehors” with the artists Cyrille Weiner and Elvire Bonduelle.

27, rue Barbès
The office

The office is based on 27 rue Barbès in Montreuil. Located in a former wood manufacture, the refurbished craftman’s workshop is now a collaborative open space.

Hosting laisné roussel collaborators, it is also a creative incubator for various partners such as designers, photographers and writers. It aims to create a place where multidisciplinary profiles can exchange and collaborate. Fostering knowledge spillover, 27 rue Barbès is an adress where laisné roussel considers new ways of working.
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Sou Fujimoto was born in Hokkaido, Japan on August 4, 1971. In 1994 he graduated in architecture at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo. He established his own architecture studio, the agency Sou Fujimoto Architects, in Tokyo in 2000, and since 2007 a ​​professor at Kyoto University.

He was first noticed in 2005 when he won the prestigious AR – international Architectural Review Awards in the Young architect’s category, a prize that he garnered for three consecutive years, and the Top Prize in 2006.

In 2008, he was invited to jury these very AR Awards. The same year he won the JIA (Japan Institute of Architects) prize and the highest recognition from the World Architecture Festival, in the Private House section. In 2009, the magazine Wallpaper* accorded him their Design Award.
 Sou Fujimoto published “Primitive Future” in 2008, the year’s best-selling architectural text. His architectural design, consistently searching for new forms and spaces between nature and artifice.

Sou Fujimoto became the youngest architect to design the annual summer pavilion for London’s Serpentine Gallery in 2013, and has won several awards, notably a Golden Lion for the Japan Pavilion at the 2012 Venice Architecture Biennale and The Wall Street Journal Architecture Innovator Award in 2014.

Photographer: David Vintiner

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Cino Zucchi was born in Milano in 1955. He graduated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Mass.) in 1978 and at the Politecnico di Milano in 1979, where he is currently Chair Professor of Architectural and Urban Design and member of the teaching board of the Doctorate (Ph.D.) at the Faculty of Architecture - Campus Leonardo of the Politecnico di Milano.

He has been teaching architecture in many international seminars (Berlin 1980, Pavia 1983, Mantova 1985 and 1988, Napoli 1989, 1990 and 1991, Rotterdam 1994, Pisa 1995, Barcelona 1995 and 2000, Finale Ligure 1996, Spalato 1997, Ghent 1999, Darmstadt 2000 Zagabria 2001, Hamburg 2003, Singapore 2004) and has been visiting professor at the Syracuse University in Florence in 1989 and 1990 and at the ETH in Zürich in 1997 and 1998.

His essays and writings appeared in the magazines "Domus", "Lotus international", "Casabella", "Design Book Review", "Arch+", “Intersezioni”, “Bau” and in "Qa”, of which he has been editor from 1989 to 1885. He is in the Forum of the architectural magazine “Lotus international” since 1996. He is the author of the books L'architettura dei cortili milanesi 1535-1706 published by Electa in 1989, Asnago e Vender. L'astrazione quotidiana-architetture e progetti 1925-1970 (with F. Cadeo e M. Lattuada), published by Skira in 1999, and is editor of the book Bau-Kunst-Bau published by Clean in 1994.

With the Zucchi Architetti studio, of which he is the principal, he has designed and realized many industrial, residential and public buildings, a number of projects for public spaces (XIX Triennale outdoor exibition in Piazza Cadorna, Milano, squares in Cerea, Arzignano, Milano Gratosoglio, San Donà di Piave); renewal of agricultural, industrial and historical areas

He has participated to many national and international competitions (Opera in Paris, Lützowplatz in Berlin, Garibaldi-Repubblica area in Milano, urban escalators in S.Marino and Bergamo, Borghetto Flaminio in Rome, Tarello park in Brescia, church in Foligno-2nd prize...

The urban renewal for the former-Junghans factory in the Venice has been awarded mentions at the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Fundaciò Mies van der Rohe Award - Barcelona 2001, at the Medaglia d’oro dell’Architettura Italiana 1995-2003, 2004-2006 at the Brick Award 2004 and awarded the Piranesi Award 2001, the “Comune di Venezia“ Architecture Award 2005 and the ECOLA Award 2008, in the category "Black Bread Architecture".

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DREAM (Dimitri Roussel Ensemble Architecture Métropole) is an architectural firm founded by Dimitri Roussel in 2018. Dimitri collaborates with around thirty designers who also have international profiles and who share his humanist creative vision.

DREAM creates spaces adapted to modern-day lifestyles. Their designs aim to promote wellbeing and social interaction both in working and living spaces. The agency develops projects of various types and scales: housing, offices, sports facilities, ephemeral architecture. DREAM has particularly strong expertise in programmatic diversity.

DREAM favours bioclimatic architecture: they choose responsible construction methods and collaborate with local partners who share their values. The agency puts ecology at the centre of its projects, from bioclimatic design to the use of bio-basedmaterials. DREAM’s expertise and values have contributed to the agency’s reputation as a leading specialist in wooden architecture.
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Nicolas Laisné founded his firm Nicolas Laisné Architectes in 2005. The firm develops urban planning, architecture and interior design projects, from design to execution and site supervision.

With his team of 50 people based in Paris, Nicolas Laisné works for public authorities, as well as private players and individuals in France and abroad. The firm has taken part in a number of international events, including the Venice Biennale in 2021.

Thanks to his open-mindedness, his natural curiosity and his taste for dialogue, Nicolas Laisné skillfully juggles multiple influences. His holistic vision of architecture allows him to invite philosophers, agronomists, botanists, artists and even data scientists to collaborate with him. He puts together a new multi-disciplinary and international team for each project.
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Published on: January 19, 2018
Cite: "Buildings for Nice. Sou Fujimoto, Cino Zucchi, Anouk Matecki, Carta Associés, Chartier Dalix and Laisnè Roussel team led by Lambert Lénack Arch" METALOCUS. Accessed
<> ISSN 1139-6415
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