Casa Peñas, new single family house by CCA

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CCA.-Centro de Colaboración Arquitectónica. Ignacio Urquiza, Bernardo Quinzaños, Ana Laura Ochoa
Jardines del Pedregal. Mexico City
Built Area
659 m²
Inauguration.- 30 jun 2017
Onnis Luque

Bernardo Quinzaños, Ignacio Urquiza . CCA. Centro de Colaboración Arquitectónica

At CCA we are dedicated to the investigation, conceptualization and development of architectural and urban projects.

The interdisciplinary structure of CCA allows us to promote the knowledge, talent and creativity of our collaborators to generate ideas that maximize each one's potential through an inclusive work system.

The congruence of our projects lies in their content. There are no pre-established parameters or cirteries during the act of creating, but the design is a direct consequence of having mitigated all the aspects of the program, taking as a starting point the rigorous analysis of the context. In this way, all ideology involved is patronized by architecture.

At CCA we understand that architecture is a historical exercise, which depends on technological knowledge and the resources available to solve complex problems of society. In this sense, architecture is seen not as an end, but as a tool for change. Hence, the main desire of our members is not only to act as architects of the city, but to participate in the construction of a better future. This generates a space where the transformation is encouraged and a positive reason for change is promoted.



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