People invites her to enter their homes to paint their walls, they send her their photos to draw them, even they choose her to design their tattoos! Paula Bonet and all her Branding project are really lucky nowdays, behind, a red-haired girl who is attracted to sweet faces with big eyes, like her own, and with big red cheeks, a symbol to most her drawings.

Pencil and paper as well as watercolors,all let her to get lost and disappear instinctively during execution job. The fact that the drying goes faster allows her to move forward forcefully, to be more faithful to her impulses, not having to rethink what she does next step while oil layers are dry. She loves engraving and lines and speed of execution, very similar to the pencil and paper, but the patience required by the following whole stamping process makes her very nervous. She always end up doing very short works.

She recognizes being great fan of Conrad Roset, Maria Herreros, Chamo San, Amaia Arrazola, Guim Tio, Ricardo Cavolo and she also loves the work of Elfandiary, David Penela and Mariana à Miseravel.

While studying Fine Arts decided to go to complete her training in Santiago de Chile. She was twenty, the first time traveling alone for so long and so far away. The experience was amazing in all aspects. The proffesion matter, how to teach the technique of drawing and painting or engraving in Santiago was something I had to deal with logic.

She learned a lot and posed many things. At that time she maintained a very close relationship with her painting professor in Valencia during those months and maintained a very dense chain of emails full of questions about the job she was learning. They have decided to recover those letters and transform them into a book.

They will be letters that my professor sent me, with his advices on technical and pictorial illustrated theoretical for me. "There are a total of 30 brief letters" according to her.


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Paula Bonet. Nacida en Villareal, Castellón, en 1980, licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, completa su formación en la NYU de Nueva York, en la UPC de Santiago de Chile y en Dédalo Arte, Italia.

Hasta hace relativamente poco, su estilo era el óleo, un trabajo pictórico que combinaba con técnicas de grabado. Trabajó la xilografía, la litografía y la serigrafía en el Taller 99 de Santiago de Chile, así como en Urbino, Italia. Pero su carácter impulsivo y las esperas y paciencia a las que obligan estas técnicas debido a los tiempos de secado, unido a la dificultad de integrar con las imágenes fragmentos de texto que según su criterio era necesario que convivieran con la propia imagen, hicieron que cambiara los óleos, el cobre, la madera y las gubias por el bolígrafo, las acuarelas y la tinta china. El resultado es más rápido y directo, y la rapidez e inmediatez son característicsa que su trabajo más reciente exige.

Esta velocidad de la que hablamos también podemos aplicarla a la manera en que su obra se ha expandido por internet: como la pólvora. Ahora le llegan encargos desde puntos tan dispares como México, Hong Kong o París.

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