Through various formats, Efrén Mur explores new sensory spectrums through different dialogues between humans and technologies. The subjective perception of the visitor is confronted with immersive models of art that allow the exploration of new realities thanks to the combination of creativity, software programming and hardware design.
The exhibition has the collaboration of composer Konrad Black for its sound design, who mixes field recordings of the natural world with synthetic sounds of his own creation, seeking to establish an interesting dialogue between nature and technology.

The power of the collective over the individual
As a result of the collection of measurable data through a series of motion sensors in the interactive installation, a global context and reality is made visible about what happens in the space and time where we are, above the micro reality of each of the works.
Art and technology dialogue in the same context, the exhibition not only generates a connected bridge between the perceptible and the non-perceptible, but also converts all this information into a new central work, which has the same name as the exhibition: It from bit.

Theoretical framework of It from bit: observation as a transformative agent
Theoretical physicist John Archibald Wheeler used the term “participant” to emphasize the idea that observers do not exercise a passive activity in the universe, but rather play an active role in shaping reality through the act of observation itself. An idea directly related to the interpretation of quantum mechanics, suggesting that human consciousness can influence physical reality.
Concepts from sociology and philosophy such as “interdependence” or “collective consciousness” are crucial to understanding how individuals relate to each other and how societies work in a context of cooperation. Although binding relationships can be a conservative force that maintains the status quo, they also raise the potential to become a dynamic force that keeps relationships together, the only way to drive social change.

Humans interpret the world through their senses and cognitive processes, which means that two people can perceive the same situation differently due to their individual experiences, expectations and contexts. Through It from bit, the aim is to make visible the impact of the observer's perception on his experience of reality.
The interactive digital installation It from bit can be visited free of charge in Nave 0 of Matadero Madrid until March 9, 2025.