In this intense way, Fernando Alda defines, in few words, how he sees the relationship between photography and architecture. Without any doubt this first article is the beginning with which we will be making a tour of the current photography, today, Fernando Alda.
A year ago we were in the cultural center Ficus, of Sevillas, giving both a lecture on Photography and Architecture. Fernando Alda shared some works with the modesty of who says not to be a great communicator, and yet his images are endowed with a powerful discursive capacity. With the passion of who knows that his images are impeccable technically and are full of great passion, was presented his work by different points in Latin America.
Fernando Alda showed his empathy with architecture and photographs he was showing us, hardly using words.
Like many photographers built and formed in an analogical world, the digital hurricane of the first decade of the twenty-first century - and why not say it: coupled with the economic crisis - left him bewildered, stunned or knocked out by the overwhelming force with the arrival of new media. This first bewilderment, and having a brilliant trajectory behind him, made him see the need to reinvent himself instrumentally. It was not easy and he took a great risk leaving to make the americas to find himself again. He succeeded, and resurfaced with more force, he extended his field of action and now he constantly arise proposals there and here indistinctly.
Fernando Alda is one of those photographers that nobody can forget if we speak of brilliant Spanish photographers, where light, control of light is always masterful.
All these efforts are synthesized in images, spread through the specialized media where my work is very present. This closes the creative circle.
I want to thank all those who trust me to document, interpret and represent their works and, at the same time, allow me to enjoy in the exercise of my passion: photography. "
I knew, because I knew his works, that Fernando was an excellent photographer, but after our meeting in Seville I can say that I left with the impression of having also discovered an honest and passionate photographer with his work. A brilliant photographer.