With their "Verbena" proposal, the architecture studios HANGHAR and estudio DIIR have won the competition to design the Sala VIP / Guest Lounge for the ARCO 2023 international art fair.

The proposed concept is based on the central theme of the fair, which will be "The Mediterranean: A Round Sea", combining the philosophy and theme of the fair with the function of serving as a space for rest, meetings and gastronomic area in ARCO 2023.
The space proposed by HANGHAR and estudio DIIR will be complemented through the Leading Brands of Spain Forum (FMRE) through its associated companies, as an example of quality, innovation, sustainability and contemporaneity, they will supply products needed to equip this space.

"We see this project as the perfect opportunity to pay tribute to the celebration. To do so, we turn to the Mediterranean and our origins with the aim of bringing popular culture to the space. Thus, the lounge moves away from isolation and towards interaction. We explore new ways of forging relations in which folklore and contemporaneity mingle and as if it were a VERBENA, an evening festival, we draw on settings that foster community living.”
HANGHAR & estudio DIIR.


Descripción del proyecto por HANGHAR y estudio DIIR Project description by HANGHAR and estudio DIIR

VERBENA es el nombre de la propuesta. Una propuesta que apuesta por la apertura y, sobre todo, por la interacción de sus visitantes.

El Mediterráneo, tema central de la feria, resulta decisivo en la esencia del proyecto. Su hegemonía cultural lo ha convertido a lo largo de los siglos en un permanente foco de atención. El cruce de culturas, ya sea por medio de guerras o alianzas, ha transformado la historia mundial y lo ha distinguido como el más reconocido lugar de confluencia. Es pertinente, por tanto, partir de estas premisas y aprovecharse de ese caldo de cultivo para imaginar escenarios de convergencia. VERBENA reivindica lugares de interacción que, por un lado, imaginen nuevas formas de relación, pero por otro, recurran al imaginario colectivo que esta región lleva en sus adentros. Un espacio donde el folclore y la contemporaneidad tengan cabida. Una manera de abordar un futuro que a la vez que es incierto, ha de ser colaborativo, solidario y festivo, como la esencia más intrínseca del pueblo mediterráneo.

La puesta en escena es concebida a través de una gran carpa roja. Un elemento asociado a la festividad popular, a lo efímero. Su presencia traspasa los límites del recinto y genera un halo de misterio que invita al usuario a descubrir su interior. En él se recrea una atmósfera de connotación ferial donde los usuarios se concentran y disfrutan del momento como si de una verbena se tratara. Un espacio que por fin huye de restricciones y que se colmata por medio de una serie de dispositivos que combaten el reciente aislamiento al que nuestra sociedad se ha visto sometida. El banco, la barra, la mesa, el pórtico... Todos ellos elementos recuperados de nuestra tradición popular y cuyo fin reside en imaginar escenarios donde el transcurrir del tiempo no puede ser entendido sino a través de la celebración y la vida en comunidad.

Frente a la disputa y el desconcierto que reina en nuestros días, VERBENA aborda este reto como la oportunidad de afianzar una red de alianzas. Si bien los grandes océanos representan la hostilidad, las calmadas aguas del Mediterráneo reflejan amabilidad. Esa invitación a la pausa y la reflexión es lo que persigue este espacio. El deseo por construir un futuro coherente y respetuoso pasa por el diálogo de sus participantes, y es en esa experiencia temporal, donde la celebración de la vida adquiere sentido.
VERBENA is a proposal that hinges on opening up and, above all, the interaction of its visitors.

The Mediterranean, the fair’s main axis, is decisive in the project’s essence. Over the centuries, its cultural predominance has rendered it a constant focus. The marriage of cultures, through wars or alliances, has transformed world history and distinguished it as the most distinctive point of convergence. Which is why it’s so important to build on these premises and feed off this breeding ground to create meeting points. VERBENA revolves around sites of interaction which, on the one hand, imagine new relationships and on the other, relies on the collective imagination this region holds deep within. A space in which folklore and modernity meet. A form of facing a future that while uncertain, must be collaborative, charitable and festive, just like the most intrinsic essence of the Mediterranean people.

Staging is conceived through a big red marquee. An element associated with popular festivity, the ephemeral. Its presence goes beyond the fair’s limits, generating an aura of mystery that entices the user to explore its interior. Inside, a fairground atmosphere is recreated where the users gather and enjoy the moment as if it were a true verbena, a true festival. A space that finally shakes off restrictions and is replete with a series of elements that counter the recent isolation that has plagued our society. The bench, the bar, the table, the porch… all taken from our popular tradition with a few to imagining scenes in which the passage of time cannot but be seen as a celebration and community living.

Contrary to the conflict and disconcertment that dominate our time, VERBENA perceives this challenge as an opportunity to consolidate a network of alliances. While the great oceans represent hostility, the calm waters of the Mediterranean reflect friendliness. This invitation to pause and reflect is the objective of this space. The wish to build a consistent and respectful future requires dialogue between its participants, and it is in this temporary experience that the celebration of life takes on meaning

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Feria internacional de arte ARCO 2023.
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Competition.- 10.2022.
Completion.- 02.2023.
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Venue / Localitation
ARCO 2023. Avda. del Partenón, 5. 28042 Madrid, España.
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HANGHAR is an architecture practice based in Madrid that works on the confluence between architectural precedents and financial organizational models. The practice develops projects from furniture design to housing developments and urbanism. HANGHAR is run by Eduardo Mediero since 2021.

Eduardo Mediero holds a Masters in Architecture with Honors from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and a Masters in Architecture from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. His work has been exhibited at the XIV Biennial of Spanish Architecture and Urbanism, the 16th and 15th Venice Architecture Biennale and the Colegio de Arquitectos de Madrid. Eduardo is the recipient of the 2018 KPF Traveling Fellowship, the Real Colegio Complutense Fellowship and the Arthur Lehman Fund. He is the inaugural Fishman Fellow at the A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning.
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estudio DIIR is an architecture firm based in Madrid founded in 2018 by David Meana, Ignacio Navarro, Iñigo Palazón and Ricardo Fernández, all of them architects from the Madrid School of Architecture (ETSAM), complemented their training with international experiences in the United States, Sweden, France, China or India. This opportunity has given them an open perspective that they now apply in each of their innovative works.

Their projects, marked by a strong strategic and conceptual positioning, have received national and international recognition. Facing projects of multiple scales has allowed them to develop a practice that explores infinite ways to achieve uniqueness through sensitivity and rigor. The various public projects won at the beginning of their journey - some of them currently under construction - are combined with private commissions of all kinds. The achievement of this variety of works has allowed the studio to be awarded by the COAM as an emerging studio in several consecutive years.

Their work has received national and international recognition. In 2018, he was awarded first prize for the construction of a new cultural centre in Los Molinos (Madrid). At the beginning of 2019, he won first prize for the landscaping of Villamayor de Gállego (Zaragoza). And in 2020, he won first prize for the construction of the social-health centre in Plasencia (Cáceres). In addition, he was recently selected among five international finalists to carry out the Museum of Archaeology and Prehistory in Santander.

The strategic and conceptual positioning developed in the various design competitions in which he has been awarded is transferred to domestic spaces. From offices and shops to renovations and homes, estudio DIIR explores various ways to achieve uniqueness through innovation and rigour.

DIIR's philosophy is a dialogue between beauty and life experience. They conceive and transform spaces as places in constant interaction with people's life experience, influencing their daily lives and the quality of their existence. DIIR is a dialogue between rigor and sensitivity. The perseverance and precision with which we approach each project coexists with the delicacy to achieve solutions that are guided by the search for uniqueness. DIIR is a dialogue between timelessness and resonance. Their work moves away from trends and fashions with the aim of achieving spaces that endure over time and that, in turn, have the capacity to generate an impact on those who interact with them.

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Published on: November 1, 2022
Cite: "HANGHAR and estudio DIIR won the contest for the ARCO 2023 Guest Lounge " METALOCUS. Accessed
<https://www.metalocus.es/en/news/hanghar-and-estudio-diir-won-contest-arco-2023-guest-lounge> ISSN 1139-6415
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