Describing his design concept, Sou Fujimoto said: "For the 2013 Pavilion I propose an architectural landscape: a transparent terrain that encourages people to interact with and explore the site in diverse ways. Within the pastoral context of Kensington Gardens, I envisage the vivid greenery of the surrounding plant life woven together with a constructed geometry. A new form of environment will be created, where the natural and the man-made merge; not solely architectural nor solely natural, but a unique meeting of the two."
In this talk - the first of a series of public events that will take place in the 2013 Pavilion over the summer - Sou Fujimoto speaks about his practice and the concepts driving his designs.
The Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2013 will be designed by Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto. Occupying some 350 square-metres of lawn in front of the Serpentine Gallery, Sou Fujimoto's latticed structure of 20mm steel poles will have a lightweight and semi-transparent appearance that will allow it to blend, cloud-like, into the landscape and against the classical backdrop of the Gallery's colonnaded East wing.
Venue.- Serpentine Gallery. Kensington Gardens. London W2 3XA. U.K.
Dates.- 8 June 2013. Time.- 3.00 pm. Tickets: £8/£6
Note.- Due to the nature of the Pavilion, the event has limited capacity and is ticketed. Limited space may be available on the lawn adjacent to the Pavilion on a first-come, first-served basis. The Pavilion is an open structure. As such, please be aware that weather conditions may affect the events.