Shokan House by Jay Bargmann. Within the landscape

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Jay Bargmann

Jay Bargmann, Vice President of Rafael Viñoly Architects PC, has held a leadership position with Rafael Viñoly since the firm’s founding in 1983. Prior to that, Mr. Bargmann had his own practice and, before becoming an architect, worked in concrete bridge construction.

Under his administration, Rafael Viñoly Architects PC has grown from an office of ten to its current 220+ employees. At the same time, the firm has expanded from its single location in New York City to include affiliate offices in London and Los Angeles, as well as various project offices throughout the United States. During this period of growth the firm added specialists in façade design, building waterproofing, laboratory design, performing arts planning, structural engineering, interior design, component prototyping, and computer visualization. In its current configuration, the firm has the size and expertise to undertake projects of considerable complexity and breadth. In addition to managing the growth of the firm, he is responsible for project staffing, office standards, and capital acquisitions. He has negotiated fees, assembled consultant teams, and administered the contract for every building commission undertaken in the firm’s history.




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