Tac!, an architecture festival for the new times

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P+S Estudio de Arquitectura. Architects.- Francisco Parada, Laura R. Salvador.
Venue / Adress
TAC! Festival de Arquitectura Urbana. Plaza del Humilladero, Granada, Spain.
October 14 - November 14, 2022.
Pablo Roldan, Imagen Subliminal, Javier Callejas.

Francisco Javier Parada Pino, Laura R. Salvador González. P + S Estudio de Arquitectura

P + S Estudio de Arquitectura was founded in Madrid in 2019 by the architects Francisco Javier Parada Pino and Laura R. Salvador González.  The P + S studio understands the exercise of architecture and urban planning as a common practice of research and work. The study focuses on the investigation of the processes of indeterminacy, thermodynamics and entropy, applied to the exercise of architecture and urban planning.

Francisco Parada (Chile, 1984). Architect with distinction from the Universidad del Desarrollo -Santiago de Chile in 2009. He works as aprofessor in the Faculty of Architecture of the same University between 2010-2017, participating in various academic projects and publications. He simultaneously practices the profession independently between 2011-2017. Since 2018 he has been studying for a Doctorate in the Transversal Studies of Architecture and Urbanism program at ETSAM – Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Laura R. Salvador (Spain, 1989). Architect (2016) y Máster en Estudios Urbanos (2019) and Master in Urban Studies (2019) from ETSAM (Polytechnic University of Madrid). She carries out training stays at TU Delft, in the study of B.V. Doshi in Ahmedabad, in addition to numerous international workshops (ETH Zurich, CSM London, among others). Between 2012 and 2018, she collaborates with the COAM, Arquitectos Sin Fronteras (Senegal) and in an R+D+i project in the Department of Urbanism of the ETSAM, also exercising professionally independently.



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