Take advantage of local resources. Eco Moyo Education Centre Kindergarten

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Design team
Structural Engineer.- Mattia Carioti. Project Architect - Architectopia.- Ryan McGaffney. Architect - Architectopia.- Valentina Petricca. Construction Architect.- Jan Kazimierz Godzimirski.
EQuality (N/A).
Tuva General Construction LTD (N/A).
187,000 NOK (21,000 USD).
Dzunguni, Kilifi District, Kenya.

Alfonso Rengifo. Arkitekter Uten Grenser

Arkitekter Uten Grenser is an architecture studio of Norwegian origin founded by Alfonso Rengifo, they have developed projects throughout the world in Argentina, Ethiopia, Kenya, Norway or Sierra Leone, among others.

Arkitekter Uten Grenser is the worldwide network "Architects Without Borders" new branch in Norway.

Architecture without borders is a humanitarian organization that aim to improve the quality of life in the areas of education, housing and health through architecture. To gain lasting effects they wish to focus on projects with a long term perspective helping to preserve and promote local history, culture and natural resources together with the local communities.

The worldwide network Architects Without Borders has started a new branch in Norway with the aim to help communities with architecture and urban planning by playing an important role for vulnerable and marginalized communities of all kinds.
“ An important focus area for us is on long-term projects. It is in this way we believe that we can contribute the most with our professional knowledge.”
Alfonso Rengifo.

Andrew Holt. Architectopia

Architectopia is an Oslo-based architectural firm focusing on environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Architectopia AS was established by Andrew Holt in 2012 with the aim of bringing innovative environmental solutions into the construction industry. This started with the implementation of the Rudolf Steiner School in 2012, which uses passive ventilation strategies to heat and cool the building.

The office consists of a team of skilled and committed architects with expertise and experience from all phases of design. They focus on delivering site-adapted architecture of high quality within time and financial frameworks, as well as innovative environmental solutions.

Their team has extensive experience from public and private projects, transformation, follow-up on construction sites, teaching and environmental consulting. They work mainly with offices, care buildings, kindergartens, schools and detached houses.

The process is characterized by an active listening collaboration with the client, user, authorities and interdisciplinary team. For them, communication with the client, user and interdisciplinary team is crucial to create a good process and create solutions where everyone has the opportunity to be heard.

Their office has core values; quality, security and innovative solutions in environmental and social sustainability.

Architectopia AS has central approval for overall responsibility for design, architectural design and search. The office has expertise in environmental consulting, including for BREEAM and passive house construction.

Jan Kazimierz Godzimirski

Jan Kazimierz Godzimirski (born 1992) graduated from the Oslo School of Architecture and Design in 2018. From 2011-2014, Jan was a codirector for “Senter for frivillig ungdom” (Center for Voluntary Youth) organizing an exchange program with the “Huni Kuin” – a native amazon tribe – and building a “mini amazon” themed installation at Sagene, Oslo, Norway. In 2012-2013 Jan worked alongside paper conservators at the Munch Museum as a consultant, designing a system producing 170 unique book cradles for the exhibition “Munch on Paper”. In 2013 he began work with Magne Magler Wiggen at mmw, where he redesigned the mmw’s website and built various installations for the studio. 

In 2014 Jan was on exchange at TU Delft in the Netherlands where he participated in an interdisciplinary course (Bucky Lab) focusing on paper as a construction material; through structural analysis and computer aided design his team produced a total of 120 pages of research. Pursuing his curiosity and passion for working with materials, Jan joined the Scarcity and Creativity Studio in 2016, where he held a teaching position from 2017 - 2019. 

In 2019 Jan became part of the board of Eco Moyo Education Centre - a unique school in rural Kenya, where his main focus has been the onsite development of the school, such as consulting on how to repair damaged buildings and developing strategies for future development. Since 2015 Jan has, in addition, been part of the 120 hours team, organizing and running the world’s largest architectural competition for students.



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