A total of 9 works and 20 projects have won the 12th Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (BIAU), which will be held from 21 to 25 September as part of the MEXTRÓPOLI Architecture and City Festival, with CDMX as the starting point.

Under the motto of Inhabiting on the Margin, the 12th BIAU rewards the most outstanding in Ibero-American architecture and urbanism and reflects on the search for alternative habitats for a more optimistic, sustainable, and just urban future.
An exhibition with a triple venue - Colegio San Ildefonso, Centro Cultural de España, and Lago/Algo - and a wide-ranging program will provide an in-depth look at the participating projects. The event is organized by the Spanish Government through the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA) through the Directorate General of Urban Agenda and Architecture.
The winning projects were selected from over 800 proposals received, from which 84 finalists were selected.

The curatorship was formed by a team of architects formed by undo arquitectura (Anna Vergés and Guillem Augé, based in Barcelona, Spain) and Torolab (Raúl Cárdenas and Ana Martínez, based in Tijuana, Mexico).

In this sense, one of the important novelties of this biennial is the unprecedented Actions at the Margin prize, which recognizes initiatives that, with fewer resources, generate an impact on the community and are likely to be replicable.

In addition to these awards, the XII BIAU Ibero-American Lifetime Achievement Award will be given to the Argentinean architect and activist Ana Falú. With a career dedicated to the right to the city and to housing, Falú is a forerunner in the defense of women's rights and their relationship with architecture and urban planning.

The 9 winning projects were:

01. Comedores ALS (Venezuela) by María Valentina González, Josymar Rodríguez, Alfonso Torres, Alexandra Núñez, Nur Abdul, Valentina Ostos, Pedro Tortello, Oriana Coello.
Actions at the Margin
01. Capilla & Barbería Móviles (Colombia) - A5 Arquitectura - Camilo Ramírez, Tomás Vega.

02. Conocimiento en Acción para la Igualdad Urbana KNOW - Peru - KNOW-Lima: Lia Elier Alarcón Castillo, Ana Paola Córdova Gamboa, Kelly Ros Mery Jaime Arias, Belén Marie Desmaison Estrada, Luciana Gallardo Jara, Lui.

03. El espacio público: La piel de la Democracia - Colombia - Coautores: Taller_Lab de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de Bucaramanga (Colombia). General direction technical and social teams: Iván Acevedo, Architect.

04. Espacios colectivos de cuidado en la Amazonía Peruana: Rainwater Collection, Storage and Treatment System - Peru - Belén Desmaison Estrada y Kleber Espinoza Díaz.

05. Jardines en el Aire (Luces de barrio '21) - Spain - NOMAD GARDEN

06. Payao: Jardín Marino - Colombia - Pedro Aparicio Llorente (director APLO y participante Colectivo Radio Manglar), Grupo de Pesca Comunitaria de Coquí ‘Los Tiburones’ y el Grupo Interc.

07. Sistema Colectivo Humedal Sanitario FOSIS 2021 - Chile - Corporación Emergente Arquitectura Práctica.
Teaching programmes

01. Domestic Interventions, Chile. School of Architecture of the University of Talca - German Rago Valenzuela Buccolini

02. The Degree Work, Chile. School of Architecture Universidad de Talca - Eduardo Aguirre, Gregorio Brugnoli, Glenn Deulofeu, Kenneth Gleiser, Victor Letelier, Andres Maragaño, Juan Román, Susana Sepulveda, José Luis Uribe, Germán Valenzuela and Blanca Zuñiga.

03. La Carcova Educational Park, Argentina. Taller de Experimentación Proyectual /TEP and Laboratorio de Experimentación Tecnológica /LET (IA-UNSAM, Argentina), Ta - -Instituto de Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional de San Martín (IA-UNSAM, Argentina) Claudio Ferrari (Dean), Graciela Runge (Academic Secretary), Roberto Busnelli (Executive Coordination Secretary) Gabriela Orsini (Extension Secretary) Fernand.

04. Programa Académico de Asistencia Federal (PAAF), Argentina. Oscar A. Borrachia, Arch. Alejandro H. Borrachia, Arch. Alejandro Albistur, Arch. Mabel Modanesi, Arch. Gabriel Sottile, Arch. Gastón Budín, Arch. Maximiliano Larrañaga, Arch.

05. EXPERIMENTAL Degree Workshop, Mexico. Faculty of Architecture - UNAM, Mexico - Faculty of Architecture - UNAM- Arch. Álvaro Lara Cruz.
01. Mesa para cinco - Urban reflection articles in the newspaper La Verdad by Patricia Reus Martínez (Spain).

02. Del territorio al detalle by German Valenzuela Buccolini (Chile).

03. ARQ by Francisco Diaz (ed.), various authors (Chile).

04. Convivir en la Amazonía en el Siglo XXI: Guía de Planificación y Diseño Urbano para las ciudades en la selva baja peruana by Belen Marie Desmaison Estrada, Kleber Arturo Espinoza Díaz, Kelly Rosmery Jaime Arias, Luciana Gallardo Jara, Ruth Mayra Peña Mendivil, Carolina Rivera (Peru).

05. Machines of living. Flamenco and Architecture in the Occupation and Unoccupation of Spaces by Pedro G. Romero and María García Ruiz (Spain).

06. In Conflict Vol. 1 by depA architects, Carlos Azevedo, João Crisóstomo, Luís Sobral, Miguel Santos e Filipa Magalhães (Portugal).

07. MISÁNTROPUS by Jorge Cárdenas del Moral (Spain).

08. Atlas Menor. Cartografías para un presente inmediato by Antonio Giráldez López, Pablo Ibáñez Ferrera (eds. collection) #1: VenidaDevenida (ed.), nucbeade, Lucas LaRochelle, Kyle Lasky, Yera Moreno. #2: Instituto de Estudios Postnaturales (ed.), Andrea Muniaín, Quimera Rosa, María Molina y María Buey, Blanca Puj (Spain).

More information

Venue / Localitation
In Mexico City:
- At the Colegio de San Ildefonso, the exhibition "Habitar al Margen" will bring together around 85 finalist and award-winning proposals from the categories of Panorama of Works, Teaching Programmes, and Research.
- For its part, the Centro Cultural de España will host "Inhabiting the Margin. Pioneers and Pilots".
- Finally, the cultural space Lago/Algo will present in "Inhabiting the Margin: on the Margin the most representative projects of the calls for proposals Actions on the Margin and Publications" in an immersive and participative exhibition that will highlight the experiences and proposals presented in this category.
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From 21 to 25 September 2022.
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