Words / Palabras... by Antoni Muntadas in ARCO 2020

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Antoni Muntadas

Antoni Muntadas was born in Barcelona in 1942 and has lived in New York since 1971. His work addresses social, political and communication issues, such as the relationship between public and private space within certain social frameworks or information channels and the way in which they are used to censor or promulgate ideas. He presents his projects in different media, such as photography, video, publications, Internet, installations and interventions in urban spaces.

Muntadas has taught and directed seminars in various institutions in Europe and the United States, Latin America and Asia. His long career as a visiting professor of the Visual Arts Program at the School of Architecture at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts, stands out from 1990 to 2014. He is currently a professor at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice.

He has received various awards and scholarships from institutions such as the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts, Electronic Arts in Linz, Laser d'Or in Locarno, the National Prize for Plastic Arts granted by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the National Prize for Plastic Arts 2005. One of the most recent awards is the Velázquez Prize for Visual Arts 2009, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Culture.

His work has been exhibited in several museums, including the MoMA in New York, the Berkeley Art Museum in California, the Musée Contemporain in Montreal, the Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum in Madrid, the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires, the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro and the Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona. As for its presence in international competitions, it is worth mentioning its participation in the VI and X editions of the Documenta de Kassel (1977, 1997), the Whitney Biennial of American Art (1991) and the 51st Venice Biennial (2005), as well as those of São Paulo, Lyon, Taipei, Gwangju and Havana.

Juan Herreros, Jens Richter. Estudio Herreros

estudioHerreros. In 2014, its Founding Partner Juan Herreros transformed Herreros Arquitectos into Estudio Herreros with the intention of opening up its practice to a partnership based configuration with which an international agenda can be approached while building on a solid national reputation. The first architect to become a partner is Jens Richter, who was Director of the firm after 10 years of collaboration with Juan Herreros.

Estudio Herreros is a Madrid-based architecture practice operating worldwide, employing about 20 architects from different nationalities, that has important achievements in the art world such as the Edward Munch Museum in Oslo, currently under construction, the re-qualification of the exhibition areas of the Reina Sofía Museum, the contemporary art space SOLO in Madrid and a number of designs for art fairs, galleries, exhibitions, or artist studios such as Luis Gordillo's.

The list of significant projects of estudioHerreros includes the intermodal station of Santiago, the Ágora-Bogotá event center in Colombia and the Tacubaya Strategic Plan in Mexico, along with achievements in Spain, Korea, Panama, Uruguay, France, Morocco, etc.



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