House N23 by Maletti Zanel Maletti Arquitectos

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Alberto J. Maletti, Fernando Zanel, Lucas Maletti. MALETTI ZANEL MALETTI arquitectos

Alberto J. Maletti, Fernando Zanel and Lucas Maletti, have been trained at the University of Buenos Aires, with studies of Postgraduate and Masters in Conservation, Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism. They have divided their time regularly between the profession, teaching and research, both at the University of Buenos Aires and the University of Alcalá in Madrid.

They have already projected a lot of square meters, many of which have become projects execution in Argentina and Spain, which have been involved in numerous works and projects, with a great ability to adapt to any scale of project. They have also been awarded and distinguished in various national and international competitions, including First Prize in the Legislatura Tierra de Fuego, First Prize Polo Deportivo Andorra, Ushuaia, second prize at the International Competition of North Dock, Finalist Project Competition International urban ideas Martyrs' Square and the Grand Axis of Beirut, Lebanon, the finalist of the Europan 8 Competition in Haarlem, Holland Project, among others.

They are design consultants of prestigious International firm who work in India and China, developing works and creative and efficient projects of architecture and urbanism, with a strong commitment to social, economic and cultural reality in which they turn to act. That is why we seek to promote an architecture of ideas based on the detection and resolution of problems, away from all kinds of prejudices or preconceptions that limit alternative proposals.




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