Memory, industry and future. “Waypoint” at Waypoint Park by Mutuus Studio

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Mutuus Studio Team.- Saul Becker, Project Artist. Kristen Becker, Project Manager. Jim Friesz, Project Architect
“Waypoint” Project Team
Lund Opsahl (Structural Design). Gantom Lighting (Lighting Designer). Architectural Elements (Metal Cross Bracing Fabricator and Installers). Purcell Painting (Coating / Painting Specialists). Oxbo Mega Transport Solutions (Moving).
City of Bellingham
General Contractor
Strider Construction
Coordination with Waypoint Park Project Team
Walker Macy (Landscape Design - Whatcom Waterway Park). KPFF (Structural Designer - Whatcom Waterway Park). Elcon Associates (Electrical Engineer - Whatcom Waterway Park). Coastal Geologic Service (Civil - Whatcom Waterway Park).

Jim Friesz, Kristen Becker, Saul Becker. Mutuus Studio

Mutuus Studio. Our name Mutuus (moo-tus) is a the latin word for "mutual / exchange". The name reinforces our studio philosophy that design is inherently collaborative and mutually beneficial. ’s three partners—Jim Friesz, Kristen Becker and Saul Becker — architect/musician, designer/dancer and artist/builder - each contribute a unique vision to the firm’s multifaceted design mission by drawing on their diverse backgrounds to inform their work. We believe that the interaction between various disciplines allows us to find new ways of seeing things.

They founded Mutuus Studio for others like them - those who share a mutual obsession for highly crafted design, and also for the misfits that don’t feel like placing limits on what we design.



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