1.78 Madrid, 2018 by Janet Echelman

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Materials and Size
Fiber, Buildings and Sky combined with Colored Lighting. Fibers are braided with nylon and UHMWPE (Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene) Dimensions of net: 100 ft. length x 45 ft. width x 20 ft. depth
Janet Echelman. Studio Echelman Team.- Melissa Henry, Jamie Li, Lillian Rodriguez, Daniel Zeese, Cameron Chateauneuf
Sculpture Engineering.- Arup: Clayton Binkley. Installation Engineering.- Madrid Destino. Simulation Software Engineering.- Autodesk. Festival Production and Lighting.- Madrid Destino

Janet Echelman

Janet Echelman. American artist Janet Echelman reshapes urban airspace with monumental, fluidly moving sculpture. Echelman first set out to be an artist after graduating college. She moved to Hong Kong in 1987 to study Chinese calligraphy and brush-painting. Later she moved to Bali, Indonesia, where she collaborated with artisans to combine traditional textile methods with contemporary painting.

When she lost her bamboo house in Bali to a fire, Echelman returned to the United States and began teaching at Harvard. After seven years as an Artist-in-Residence, she returned to Asia, embarking on a Fulbright lectureship in India.

Recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship, the Harvard University Loeb Fellowship, a Fulbright Lectureship, and the Aspen Institute Crown Fellowship, her TED talk “Taking Imagination Seriously” has been translated into 35 languages with more than one million views.

She built her studio beside her hundred-year-old house, where she lives with her husband David Feldman and their two children.



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