“Moon” and its many faces. Green Massage by Vermilion Zhou

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Project team
Creative Director.- Kuang Ming(Ray) Chou. Interior Design.- Garvin Hung, Reykia Feng. Lighting Design.- Vera Chu, Chia Huang Liao. FF&E Design.- Mavis Huang.
Green SPA Management & Consultancy.
320 m²
Artwork artist
Yang Yong Liang. Medium.- LED Light Box: 200 × 200 cm, Acrylic painted on light film; Water Pool: 500 × 1000cm “Moonlight” portrays the moon as a flat disk. It is an installation featuring a painted film sheet on the LED lightbox as well as a dark-colored pool reflecting the moon. It brings the audience in a romantic imagination in the ancient folk tale when the moon was seen as an illuminating disk. Work first created in Magda Danysz Gallery in 2012.
3FW-01, No.168 Hubindao, INFINITUS Mall, Shanghai.
Yunpu Cai.

Kuang Ming (Ray) Chou, Vera Chu, Garvin Hung. Vermilion Zhou Design Group

Vermilion Zhou Design Group. In 2002, Vermilion Zhou Design Group was founded by Kuang Ming (Ray) Chou (Founder / Creative Director) and Vera Chu (Founder / Lighting Design Director) in Shanghai. Later in 2009, with Garvin Hung (Interior Design Director) joining the team, Vermilion Zhou Design Group has completed more than 800 projects across countries in Asia-Pacific.

Their team has provided services to a variety of clients, ranging from public spaces, residential spaces to commercial spaces such as hotels, offices, restaurants.



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