By minimizing the waste that may be generated during its assembly, the project does not lose its main program of creating a new permeable, flexible, open, and complementary urban space, where heavy vehicles and pedestrians are able to use the space in harmony.

Square + Bus Stop In Vinaròs by La Errería. Photograph by Milena Villalba.
Description of project by La Errería
New urban space
This new space for the city aims to improve and develop the Parc de les Catalinetes area, on the north side of the city of Vinaròs, creating a more comfortable and friendly area for its neighbors. It is not, therefore, a simple bus stop.
Here we project a new “lung” for the neighborhood. A space for people interaction, a friendly island linked to the park, providing citizens with new equipment.
Square + Bus Stop In Vinaròs by La Errería. Photograph by Milena Villalba.
Assembly system
One of the main characteristics of this project is its assembly system, a completely “dry system”, through steel elements that are screwed and anchored to the different wooden and ceramic structural elements.
This not only allows the minimum footprint to be created on the site, but it is completely reproducible and repeatable in series, allowing us to continue expanding in the adjacent park, or dismantling it if in the future it is decided to move it to another area of the city.
Square + Bus Stop In Vinaròs by La Errería. Photograph by Milena Villalba.
Integration. Environmental Sustainability
This project is based on the idea that this type of infrastructure not only makes sense from its relationship and integration with the environment but also follows environmental and sustainability criteria.
Thus, we are committed to the non-improper use of ceramic material, minimizing the cost of parts, optimizing their use and working with recycled materials, surpluses, etc. Reducing as much as possible the waste that may be generated during assembly.
Square + Bus Stop In Vinaròs by La Errería. Photograph by Milena Villalba.
Functionality (program of urban uses)
The program of this new urban space is permeable, flexible, open, and complementary, and can be used in various ways.
Pedestrian areas have priority over road space, creating a large pedestrian, garden, and rest island that articulates this urban axis of Vinaròs, in such a way that people can walk, wait for the bus, or simply go to the Parc de Les Catalinetes. In addition, the space is provided with a small locker and an adapted toilet.