With the aim of carrying out environmental regeneration and improving the landscape image of the natural space, Estudio ACTA plans an action around the northern Odiel estuary, in the province of Huelva, a territory that has great environmental and landscape wealth, botany, zoological and heritage.

The intervention connects the different populations that form the surroundings of the Odiel Marshes, establishing new ties between them through a route along disused railway tracks, livestock tracks, edges of marshes, old abandoned salt mines, and the occasional urban section.
The project developed by Estudio ACTA intervenes on a territorial scale through a large green infrastructure of a supra-municipal nature, which in its 30 km length connects the towns of Huelva, Aljaraque and Gibraleón. On a smaller scale, the built architectural pieces are strategically placed, helping to guide the route, marking the rhythms and making the territory legible.

Based on the use of the rich natural and cultural heritage, it seeks to maintain its essence through organic forms and materials used historically in this territory. The project uses different traditional solutions that take us from mud walls or untreated wood, to water passages reinterpreted with honeycomb plates, or steel and perforated sheet metal that recall the area's rich mining-railway past.

Landscape itinerary around the northern Odiel estuary by Estudio ACTA. Photograph by Fernando Alda.

Project description by Estudio ACTA

The action is born from the consideration that the citizens of the 21st century no longer live in confined places - even if they reside there -, with hardly any relationship with the residents of other nearby municipalities. The concept of Territory, as a space where life develops – work, residence, leisure, social relationships – calls for the establishment of ties between the different parts that make up our physical reality, beyond the creation of new administrative entities.

We are facing a large green infrastructure of a supra-municipal nature, 30 km long. long, which connects the towns of Huelva, Aljaraque and Gibraleón - with about 180,000 inhabitants in total - and brings them closer to the great environmental, landscape, botanical, zoological and heritage wealth that encompasses the vast protected natural space of Marismas del Odiel that surrounds (7,200 hectares). The main objectives are non-motorized accessibility between the three aforementioned towns through a multimodal route that runs along the edge of the North Odiel estuary; and the requalification of degraded urban-rural edges, through environmental regeneration and improvement of their landscape image.

Landscape itinerary around the northern Odiel estuary by Estudio ACTA. Photograph by Fernando Alda.

The intervention is voluntarily contaminated by other disciplines beyond the purely architectural, already present in the work territory. And so, in addition to architecture, it is engineering (bridges), hydraulics (gates and sheet piles), infrastructure (roads and breakwaters), landscape (viewpoints), heritage (Tharsis dock-loading station), ethnography (tide mills and salt mines), botany. (25,000 new specimens planted), biology (sheets of water for bird stays), sport (piers for canoes and fishing) and even public health (promotion of non-motorized mobility).

The route runs along disused railway tracks, livestock trails, edges of marshes, old abandoned salt mines, and the occasional urban stretch. Just as any text needs punctuation marks to be legible, the itinerary is punctuated by a series of elements (pergolas, bridges, piers, rest areas, viewpoints or rooms) that, like architectural-sculptural proposals of territorial acupuncture and strategically located, they help to guide the route, mark the rhythms and make the territory legible.

The project continually oscillates between the large scale of the territory where the action takes place and the intervention itself (XXL) and the small scale of the architectural pieces built (XXS), with hardly any scale or average dimensions common in architecture appearing. Likewise, the meager budget managed for an intervention of this caliber has forced us to sharpen ingenuity and concentrate efforts on very specific points of the broad route.

Landscape itinerary around the northern Odiel estuary by Estudio ACTA. Photograph by Fernando Alda.

To define its morphology and choose the materials with which it is defined, the strategy involves remembering the rich natural and cultural heritage of the territory and maintaining its essences: the riverside, mining and railway character, and its conception of a great scenic viewpoint from the rural land. All of this is realized in the use of curved, natural, sinuous and organic shapes, the same ones that intertidal nature shows us. As for materials, we have resorted to those used historically in this territory: breakwaters, mud walls, gates, sheet piles, driving eucalyptus sticks, untreated wood that harmonizes with the environment, and water passages reinterpreted with honeycomb plates. The traces of the rich mining-railway past are reflected in the use of steel and perforated sheet metal with which bridges, pergolas or viewpoints are built, hybrids between architectures and sculptures stranded in the territory.

In summary, starting from an infrastructure and communications project, we propose to give added value to the intervention, until it becomes an equipped park. In short, it is about taking advantage of a 30 km operation loop tour, to reflect on the future and the development of the territory it surrounds.

More information

Estudio ACTA. Lead architects.- F. Javier López Rivera, Ramón Pico Valimaña.
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Competition.- Julia Moreno.
Preliminary project.- Marcos Merino.
Competition, Execution Project and Renders.- Luis M. Cortés Sánchez.
Structural Calculation of Bridge and Pergolas.- Duarte Asociados.
Environmental consulting.- Javier Camacho-Typma.
Measurements, Study and Coordination in Safety and Health.- Antonio Rivas Pérez.
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Fondos FEADER (Fondo Europeo Agricola de Desarrollo Rural), Junta de Andalucía.
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Consejería de Fomento, Articulación del Territorio y Vivienda. Junta De Andalucía.
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UTE Odiel Grulop-Pinus.
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89,570 sqm.
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Competition.- 2028 March.
Project.- 2018 July.
Construction start.- 2021 May.
Completed.- 2024 February.
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Rio Odiel. T.M. Huelva, Gibraleón Y Aljaraque, Huelva. Spain.
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€ 2,504,225.95.
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Bridge, Pergolas and Viewpoint.- Talleres Garrucho.
Wooden Walkways.- Carmo Wood.
Bituminous mixtures.- Pavimentos Matos.
Double Surface Treatment.- ECOASFALT.
Alveolar Plates.- Prefabricados San Francisco.
Concrete mouthpieces.- Prefabricados San Blas.
Woods.- Iripo.
Signage and Talanqueras.- Impregna.
Furniture, Barriers and Architectural Concrete Graderios.- Kuma.
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Ramón Pico Valimaña and Javier López Rivera formed the ACTA team and established their base in Seville in 1993. Since they met during early courses at the Architectural School, their personal professional road-movie runs its daily course between the provinces of Seville, Cadiz and Huelva, working on projects for both the public administration and the private sector. They have travelled to different places in the national and international geography (Bolzano, Milan, Piacenza, Nancy, Dubai, Shanghai) showing their work and carrying out teaching tasks as guest professors. 

They have obtained numerous recognitions to their constructed work, among which they emphasize: FAD Award 2003 (Sendero de la Algaida, Espacios Exteriores) and Finalists FAD 2002 (Architecture and Ephemeral Installations) and 2011 (Interior Design); Opinion Award 3-ª Bienal Europea del Paisaje de Barcelona 2003 ; Finalist in the VII Bienal de Arquitectura Española 2003 (Housing in Doña Blanca); Special Mention 1996 and Finalist in the Muestra de Jóvenes Arquitectos de la Fundación Camuñas 2004; Selection for the exhibition JAE (Jóvenes Arquitectos de España, 2006); Winner of the VIII Colegio Arquitectos Huelva 2000 Award; Winner of the Torres Clavé Award (1998-2003), Colegio Arquitectos Cádiz; Finalist in the Endesa Awards (2013). 

These and other works have been published in various regional, national and international media: Arquitectura COAM, Quaderns, Pasajes, Arquitectura Viva, Anuario A&V, Bauwelt, ON Diseño, Metalocus, Neutra, Archicreé, Garten+Landschaft, Arquitectura Ibérica, Detail, El Croquis etc. 

Ramón Pico Valimaña (El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz, 1966). Architect, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Seville, 1991. Doctor Architect, ETSA. Seville, 2011. Master’s in Architectural Projects, C.S.A. Antonio Camuñas Foundation. Madrid, 1992-93. Professor of Construction from 1995-97 and of Contemporary History and PFC since 1998, ETSA. Seville. Co-director of the 1st Master's Degree in Design. Pablo Olavide University (Seville) and Director of the Summer Courses Bahia de Cádiz since 2003.

Javier López Rivera (Huelva, 1966). Architect, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Seville, 1991. Doctor Architect, ETSA. Seville, 2012. Master's Degree in Integrated Projects of Architecture. C.S.A. Antonio Camuñas Foundation. Madrid, 1990-91. Professor of Graphic Analysis, Graphic Ideation, Projects and PFC since 2004, ETSA. Seville. Winner of the 3rd, 7th and 19th edition of the Contemporary Architecture Photography Contest, COA Huelva. Finalist in the 3rd edition and Winner of the 4th edition of the ICAL-ETSAB International Artificial Light Photography Competition (2017, 2018).
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