A new entrance to gothic cathedral. La Galilée de Saint-Maurice d’Angers by Kengo Kuma

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Kengo Kuma and Associates (KKAA). Architect.- Kengo Kuma.
Project team
Chizuko Kawarada, Elise Fauquembergue, Carla Beaujard, Hiromichi Kamiya.
Heritage architect.- Vincent Brunelle, Martin Brunelle.
General Engineering, Quantity surveyor.- BETEM Atlantique- Jean-François Renaud, Boris Rombolotto.
Lighting designer.- 8’18’’ concepteurs et plasticiens lumière- Emmanuelle Sebie, Line Muckensturm.
147 m² (7 mx 21 m) on a plot of 233.75 m² (9.35 mx 25 m).
Competition.- 2019 - September 2020. Construction completion is scheduled for 2024.


Kengo Kuma was born in Yokohama (Kanagawa, Japan) in 1954. He studied architecture at the University of Tokyo, finishing his degree in 1979. In 1987, he opened the "Spatial Design Studio". In 1990 he founded "Kengo Kuma & Associates" and extend the study to Europe (Paris, France) in 2008. Since 1985 and until 2009, has taught as visiting professor and holder at the universities of Columbia, Keio, Illinois and Tokyo.

Main Awards:

· 2011 The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Art Encouragement Prize for "Yusuhara Wooden Bridge Museum."
· 2010 Mainichi Art Award for “Nezu Museum.”
· 2009 "Decoration Officier de L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres" (France).
· 2008 Energy Performance + Architecture Award (France). Bois Magazine International Wood Architecture Award (France).
· 2002 Spirit of Nature Wood Architecture Award (Finland).
· 2001 Togo Murano Award for “Nakagawa-machi Bato Hiroshige Museum.”
· 1997 Architectural Institute of Japan Award for “Noh Stage in the Forest”. First Place, AIA DuPONT Benedictus Award for “Water/Glass” (USA).




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