This iniciative follows up Jordi Badia’s connection with the city after participating in May 2012 in the Project Studio organized by the University of Architecture Ljubljana Plečnik and publishing the student work compilation of the workshop “Shaping the City”. The exhibition shows a compilation of his architecture through 11 works, public and private buildings focused on the respect for the city, the end user and the context. The exhibition Architecture and City reflects on Jordi Badia particular vision of urban space configuration through the use of the void.
The exhibition consists on 11 large-scale photographs accompanied by a brief explanation of each project that visitors will be able to gather and compose as their own exhibition catalogue. The 11 works cover past, present and future of BAAS architecture. The layout is structured chronologically and reflects on the existence and role of the void in architecture as an asset to preserve in the cities morphology.
A city is built from its architecture.
The collective public space, the city, is just a direct consequence of the sum of private individual projects. The buildings blend into a fabric that gives character to the city and shapes streets and squares. The quality of the city public space depends, to a large extent, on the homogeneity of this fabric. Architecture should step back when necessary, leaving its unique character to embrace the context and work with it collaboratively. It must accept its condition with modesty. A building is just a small piece of a large puzzle that has grown over the centuries, and its role is simply to ensure the continuity and consistency of the urban fabric it belongs to, repairing it when necessary. The city needs physical and morphological continuity, but also historical and social, with great attention to the tradition of place. Therefore, architecture must respect people living in it and its demands for friendly, austere and sustainable spaces.
We are building the city, not just architecture.
Jordi Badia.
Venue.- Architectural gallery DESSA Ljubljana. Židovska steza 4, Ljubljana. Slovenija.
Dates.- Opening, June 3th. Exhibition 3 June to 15 July, 2013. Open, Monday to Friday, 10.00 am - 3.00 pm.