Efficient Outdoor Educational Space. Pavilion E4 by Juan Gavilanes Veláz de Medrano, Ferrán Ventura Blanch

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Project team
Research team.- Fernando Domínguez Muñoz, Juan Pedro Bandera Rubio, Antonio González Herrera, Joaquín Ortega Casanova, José Manuel García-Manrique Ocaña.
Engineering.- Elesdopa.
Daniel García-Parra Pomares, Elena Enciso Martínez, Raúl Ruiz Alaminos, Vishal Shahdadpuri Aswani.
Vice-rectorate of Smart Campus. Malaga University.
Lasor S.L.
Campus of Teatinos of the University of Malaga, Malaga, Andalusia, Spain.
Lime mortar.- Cumen Morteros.
Solar panels.- Onix solar.
Patent structure.- Elesdopa.
Ceramic materials.- La paloma.

Ferrán Ventura Blanch

Ferrán Ventura Blanch holds a PhD in Architecture from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Seville. He is currently a professor of Architectural Projects at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Malaga, of which he is currently Deputy Director of Research Laboratories, Technological Innovation and Publications.
Since 2017 he is founder and director of the Laboratory of Advanced Experimental Architecture and New Technologies (eAM´ Tech Lab) and coordinator of the Master's Degree in Architectural Projects, Environmental Design and New Technologies.
He has received various national and international awards such as the Prize at the XIII Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism in 2016, the Prize at the V Arquia-Proxima Awards of the Arquia Foundation in 2016 and the Prize for Research in Architecture. Architecture and Society Awards from the College of Architects of Seville in 2019, among others.

Juan Gavilanes Vélaz de Medrano, Francisco González Fernández. GG2 arquitectos

GG2 arquitectos is an architecture studio founded by architects Francisco González Fernández and Juan Gavilanes Vélaz de Medrano in Málaga.

Juan Gavilanes Vélaz de Medrano was born in Madrid in 1967, studied architecture at the ETSA Madrid of the UPM between 1985 and 1992, and received his doctorate from the UPM in 2012. He has been a professor of Architectural Projects, at the ETSA Málaga, University of Málaga, from 2005 to 2021, a guest professor in El Salvador (2010), Quito (2009), and Mexico (2008), and a Patron of the Contemporary Architecture Foundation from 2014 to date. His work built from it has been awarded on various occasions and in competitions from 1996 to the present, such as the Promotion of Architecture Award for Doctoral Thesis, COA Málaga, in 2013, among others.

Francisco González Fernández was born in Málaga in 1961. He obtained the title of architect from the School of Architecture of Seville in 1988. He opened his own architecture studio in 1989, carrying out work for both public and private initiatives, with works and projects of type residential and tourist, design of commercial spaces and public administrative and cultural buildings; and preparing urban planning and project studies. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Malaga Delegation of the Official College of Architects of Eastern Andalusia, professor of Architectural Projects at the ETSA of Seville, visiting professor in Monterrey in Mexico City, and professor of Architectural Projects at the ETSA of Malaga. He has been awarded various awards such as the Málaga Prize for Urban Planning and Public Spaces from the College of Architects, among others.



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