The Kindergarten of the German School of Athens by Potiropoulos D+L Architects

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Potiropoulos D+L Architects. Liana Nella

Liana Nella - Potiropoulou. Master in Architectural Design and Theory at University of Pennsylvania (1985). From 1985 to 1987 she has worked in several architectural offices in Greece and took part in architectural competitions with her personal studio. In 1989 she established her partnership  with the architect Dimitris Potiropoulos “Potiropoulos D+L Architects”. Her works have been displayed in exhibitions in Greece and abroad, while she has repeatedly been awarded prizes and has received distinctions in architectural competitions. In 2000-2001 she has taught architectural design at the University of Patras Department of Architecture.

Potiropoulos D+L Architects. Dimitris Potiropoulos

Dimitris Potiropoulos. Master in Architectural Design at Technische Universität Darmstadt (1981). From 1982 to 1987 he runs his personal office while he takes part in architectural competitions. Meanwhile he works in several architectural studios in Germany and Greece.  In 1989 co-founded with Liana Nella – Potiropoulou the Athens based studio “Potiropoulos D+L Architects”. He has repeatedly been awarded prizes and has received distinctions in architectural competitions, while his works have been presented in exhibitions in Greece and abroad. He is a founding member of the Hellenic Institute of Architecture.




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