Labics redevelops former bus depot into “City of Sun” in Rome

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Labics Studio (Maria Claudia Clemente, Francesco Isidori)
Design Team
Susan Berardo, Leonardo Consolazione, Gaia Maria Lombardo, Giorgio Pasqualini, Laura Perri
Design development
Luigi Panetta (project architect), Paola Bettinsoli, Chiara Capriulo, Gaia Maria Lombardo, Michele Morganti, Giorgio Pasqualini, Filippo Pesce, Christina Rittel
Structures.- Studio Pagnoni Vita Instalaciones y sostenibilidad.- 3TI Progetti Italia
European Architecture Awards 2017 [Winner Special Prize Sustainable Innovating Project]
Hines Spa
Parsitalia s.r.l.
Total area.- 17,300 m². Net floor area.- 13,500 m². Gross built area.- 11,800 m² Volumen bruto Gross build volume.- 75,316 m³
Ground break.- 2007 Completed.- 2016
35,500,000 euros
Via della Lega Lombarda. 00162 Rome. Italy

Maria Claudia Clemente, Francesco Isidori. Labics

Labics architecture was founded by Maria Claudia Clemente, Francesco Isidori and Marco Sardella in 2002. The main aim was to convey, under a unique name, those architects, artists and designers who identify with a shared experimentation project in the field of architecture.
Labics research activity aims at an architecture capable of overcoming the status of a singular object, in favor of an architecture that becomes territory, background, structure. 

Recently Labics has received the honorable mention for the contest of the Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki and the tourist Klekovaca Center of competition in Bosnia and has won the second prize in the international contest for the design of the station no. 11 for the Tabriz metro (2016). In 2017 Labics has won two major competitions: one for four residential buildings within the master plan of Cascina Merlata in Milan, the second one for the extension of the Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara.

Labics’ activities are published on the major specialized international magazines, among which: A+U, Domus, Abitare, Ottagono, Architectural Record, Monument, Concept, AIT.



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