Mayte Piera. Woman Photographer

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Mayte Piera

Mayte Piera holds a degree in Audiovisual Information Sciences and develops the specialty of architectural photography since the beginning of her professional career in 1992. She has collaborated with various mass media specialized in architecture and interior design and her work has been published in numerous magazines and books of the sector. She combines her professional work as a photographer of architecture and landscape with teaching.

At the moment she teaches second degree of photographic technique in the school Espaid'artfotogràfic in Valencia and she is professor of the Master in Photography, Production and Creation, a degree endorsed by Universitat de València. He teaches architectural photography workshops where he tries to get students to approach this specialty from an emotional perspective, emphasizing the sensations that the spaces transmit. Currently she is collaborating with the magazine Dúplex, dedicated to design and visual culture writing articles related to architecture, landscape and interior design.



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