The Orangery pavilion by Lenschow & Pihlmann + Mikael Stenström

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Mikael Stenström

Mikael Stenström (Sweden 1984) architect by the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation in 2014. Previously he also studied at Lund Arkitektskola. He has worked last year with a number of art and photography projects and has exhibited at the Fries Autumn Exhibition 2014. Now he is working as an architect at Diener & Diener in Switzerland.

Kim Lenschow Andersen - Søren Thirup Pihlmann Lenschow & Pihlmann

Kim Lenschow Andersen (Norway 1987) and Søren Thirup Pihlmann (Denmark 1987) are both master degree Architecture at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation in 2014, operate along the start-up studio Lenschow & Pihlmann. Past projects listed include the pavilion for CHART Art Fair 2014 at Charlottenborg, and works exhibited at the Artists' Autumn Exhibition and Martin Asbæk Gallery in 2014.




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