Primary School in La Milagrosa by Pereda Pérez Arquitectos

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Carlos Pereda Iglesias + Óscar Pérez Silanes PEREDA | PÉREZ | ARQUITECTOS

Carlos Pereda Iglesias and Óscar Pérez Silanes founded in 2005 PEREDA | PÉREZ | ARQUITECTOS in Pamplona and develop their activity dedicated to the realization of projects of architecture. Their works have been published on large number of reviews and publications worldwide. Besides they have participated in different exhibition in Spain and overseas. They develop their teaching work as professors of architectural projects in the School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Madrid ETSAM and in that of the University of Zaragoza EINA as well as in various workshops organized by the University of Alicante, the Research Laboratory of Architectural Projects of the ETS of Architecture of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the ETS of Architecture of the University of Navarra, the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto and the École d'Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Lausanne or the University of Granada.

They have exhibited their work in conferences in different institutions and schools of architecture in the national and international scope as in Cádiz, Fuerteventura, Burgos, Barcelona, ​​Sevilla, Madrid, Pamplona, ​​Pontevedra, San Sebastian, Zaragoza, Ultzama, Granada, Salamanca, Oporto, Lisboa, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Durban, Forum of Freiburg among others. They have obtained several distinctions among which are the 2013 CONSTRUMAT International Award for technological innovation, the VIII BIAU Award for the Ibero_American Architecture and Urbanism Biennial, the XII BEAU Award for the Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennial, the 2013 Spanish Architecture Award , the Special Mention of the Spanish Architecture Award 2015, the XIII BEAU Award for the Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennial as well as among many others, also, his work has been part of the Spanish Pavilion of the Venice Biennial that won the Golden Lion in 2016.





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