Recovery of the Old Monastery of Santa Clara as a Cultural Center by Pablo Manuel Millán Millán

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Project team
Javier Serrano Terrones (Technical Architect); Simona Belmondo (Architect); David Vera García (Architect); Cristian Castela González (Architect); Antonio M. Castro Carmona (Architect).
Structure.- Estudio Duarte Asociados.
Quantity surveyor.- José Miguel Fernández Cuadros.
Archaeology.- Mª Yolanda Jiménez Morillas.
Architectural Survey.- AMR Surveys.
Illustrious City Council of Beas de Segura.
Francisco José Herrera Morales; Pedro José Roldán.
Design.- 2021.
Opening.- October 2023.
Calle San Francisco, 18. Beas de Segura. Jaen, Spain.
Lighting.- Iguzzini.
Lime.- Morteros Cumen S.L.

Pablo Manuel Millán Millán

Pablo Manuel Millán Millán is Doctor Architect by the University of Seville with the thesis 'Inhabiting the cliff: the little convent as a promoter of a new architecture in the hills of Valparaiso.' After completing the "Master in Architecture and Historical Heritage" and the "Master in Management of Latin American and Andalusian Heritage", he has focused his study on the contemporary analysis of historical buildings and structures.

At present, together with the research and teaching activity carried out at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Seville, he is a researcher at the School of Architecture and Design of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso in Chile. Among his recent works, we could highlight the project for the rehabilitation and conservation of the San Francisco de Estepa Convent (Seville), the Rehabilitation of the 16th century Royal Butchers of Porcuna (Jaén), the conservation project of the Greater Sacristy of the Sanctuary of Regla in Chipiona (Cádiz), the restoration of the Monastery of San Juan de la Penitencia in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) or the restoration of the Chapel in Martín de la Jara (Seville).

He has been awarded with the best academic record by Fundación Caja de Arquitectos; 2nd Europe Architecture Award 2017; Build Architecture Award or recently nominated for the Andrés de Vandelvira awards.




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