The Trinkhall Museum is a renovation by Atelier d'architecture Aloys Beguin - Brigitte Massart. The building is located inside Avroy Park in Liège, Belgium. This building was built in 1963 and was arranged as a luxury restaurant, which had a dance hall and a large roof terrace. It was later abandoned and then occupied for use as an exhibition hall by Creahm.

After several years the owner and the city of Liège, called an architectural competition to rehabilitate the building and provide a new opportunity to rethink the identity of the museum with works made by people with mental disabilities.
Atelier d'architecture Aloys Beguin - Brigitte Massart thought this renovation to give prominence to the works, they did not want to look at Creahm’s collection with "the eyes of art", but wanted to think about art and the environment with the eyes of the collection, with that singularity that works of art are endowed with.

As it could not be less, this museum has large windows that frame the views from the park, as if they were part of the collection and thus allowing people to see the inside of the museum who walk through the environment. In addition it is all projected, taking care of the smallest detail as the furniture to give value to the whole project.

Description of project by Atelier d'architecture Aloys Beguin - Brigitte Massart

The Trinkhall, a modernist pavilion built in 1963 in the heart of Avroy Park in Liège, was originally a luxury restaurant with a dance hall and a large panoramic roof terrace. Finally abandoned in 1982, it was occupied (squatted, one might say) by the non-profit organization Creahm, which improvised exhibition spaces and workshops for artists with mental disabilities.

Over the years, the building became the headquarters of two dynamic but gradually cramped poles: the MADmusée and the MADcafé. To support the museum's development ambitions and overcome the critical disrepair of the building, the city of Liège, the owner, launched an architectural contest in 2008. The project combines two requirements: doubling the surface area to reach the planned 1800m² and overall energetic renovation.

Concept, Context and Strategy

The architects have implemented a simple strategy : an ultra-compact project encompassing the existing pavilion in a slightly enlarged translucent envelope which allows the deployment of the various functions in the peripheral spaces.

On the ground floor, the new building operates in a peripheral loop connecting the entrance, the bookshop, the temporary exhibition gallery, the library, the brasserie, the sanitary facilities and the vertical circulations.

On the first floor, the sculptural volume of the original pavilion houses the offices and the educational workshop. The old roof terrace becomes a vast exhibition space, while a blackbox cantilevered on the edge meets the most rigorous exhibition conditions. An additional rounded exhibition space placed on a concrete mushroom column forms the entrance porch. The basement houses vast museum reserves and utility rooms.

By day, the large terrace of the brasserie enchants the life of the park in complicity with the nearby kiosk of the 1930s which hosts concerts and events of all kinds. At night, like a large lantern among the trees, the museum provides a structuring and reassuring element within the urban park.

Construction - Materials and Structure

A twenty-one meter steel structure spans the existing edifice, creating a large protective shape. This grid framework, supported on its periphery by slender columns, structures the first floor exhibition space, providing a frame from which all the exhibition panels are suspended and regulating the organization of the lighting system. Under a green roof, the ultra-light envelope made of multi-layer panels of opaline polycarbonate, luminous, perfectly insulating and economical, helps to create a weightless, mysterious and poetic atmosphere.

A few large windows frame views of the park like paintings and provide passers-by with selective views of the inside life of the museum as well as of selected sequences of the 1960s pavilion dear to the people of Liège. Despite the very limited budget, every element of the architecture, from the cast-in-place concrete of the mushroom column to the furnishings of the museum, shows the same attention to detail at the service of the overall coherence of the project.

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Atelier d'architecture Aloys Beguin - Brigitte Massart. Architects.- Aloys Beguin, Brigitte Massart.
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Grégoire Fettweis, Alix Welter, Céline Balduyck. Stability, special techniques / energy, security coordination.- Bureau Greisch s.a. Museum lighting consultant.- Jacques Fryns. Signage.- Pascal Schyns / Scalp.
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Total gross area reached: 2,108 sqm. Net program area: 1,798 sqm.
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Amount of the subsidy: €2,585,657 without taxes or studies. Final work amount: €3,058,000 excluding taxes or studies.
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n°1 parc d’Avroy , 4000 Liège, Belgium.
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Alain Janssens. Muriel Thies.
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Atelier d'architecture Aloys Beguin - Brigitte Massarto. Architecture firm, founded in 1991 by Aloys Beguin and Brigitte Massart architects, has been working with the same passion on many types of projects at different scales: as well on museums extension, patrimonial heritage restoration and revitalization, public spaces, commercial space development or individual houses. In addition to this specifically architectural field, an other part of the work is dedicated to the design of exhibition scenographies, to the creation of lighting and furniture design.

The search for consistency, from global to detail, the combination of constructive preoccupations and a poetic sense are some of the features that characterize the studio.

Selected works:
- 2008-2020 : transformation and extension of the TrinkHall museum, museographic and scenographic design, parc d’Avroy in Liège (B).
- 2018 : scenography of retrospective exhibition « Le jardin du paradoxe - le cirque divers à Liège » (curator: Jean-Michel Botquin), organization : Culture Department of the Province, in the old Saint-Antoine church in Liège (B).
- 2012-2019 : Complete conversion of the buildings of a former armory ,rue Grandgagnage in Liège (B) : housing and workspaces.
- 2008 Scenography of the biennial exhibition « design 2008 » exhibition in the old Saint-Antoine church in Liège (B).
- 2004-2008 & 2012-2015 : heritage restoration, development of the Cathedral Treasury and creation of an interpretation center in Liège (B).
- 1996-2012 : transformation and extensions of the Pax library, place Cockerill in Liège (B).
- 1994-2001: urban project - site of the esplanade St-Léonard in Liège, 6000 m2 (B), 1994 competition in temporary association with A. Baumans and A. Rondia.
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