School for Belgian railway infrastructure. Infrabel Academy by Atelier Kempe Thill & Canevas

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Design team
Competition team Atelier Kempe Thill.- Atelier Kempe Thill architects and planners André Kempe, Oliver Thill, Louis Lacorde, Pierre Berthelomeau, Kento Tanabe. Competition team Canevas.- Canevas architectes et ingénieurs Anne Dengis, Alain Hinant, Sophie Hubert, Laurianne Hoet. Design team Atelier Kempe Thill.- Atelier Kempe Thill architects and planners André Kempe, Oliver Thill, Louis Lacorde together with Christophe Banderier, Pierre Berthelomeau, Laura Paschke, Eldrich Piqué, Kento Tanabe, Jan Gerrit Wessels, Rick Hospes. Design team Canevas.- Canevas architectes et ingénieurs Pauline Schils, Alain Hinant together with Laurianne Hoet, Sandro Giglione, Maxence Scafs, Renaud Van Kerckhove.
Co-designers.- Canevas architectes et ingénieurs. Project management.- TUC Rail. Landscape.- LAND landschapsarchitecten. Textile designer.- Objects.Projects. Structural engineer.- Bureau d’études Greisch. Building services engineer.- Bureau d’études Greisch. Civil engineer.- Bureau d’études Greisch. Energy engineer.- Bureau d’études Greisch. Acoustic engineer.- ATS Acoustique.
General contractor.- BPC. Prefab concrete structure.- Staalbeton, Ronveaux, Prefaco, Verhelst. Steel structure.- Janssens, Lardinois. Wooden structure.- Rose’s Natural Homes, Bois & Structure. Glass façade.- KA Construct. Metal cladding facade.- HD Systems. Entrance doors.- DallaValle. Concrete floors (ext. + int.).- Carro-bel. Technical floor.- Lindner Wesly. Technical install (hvac+san).- Energys. Technical install (elec).- Collignon. Exterior screen.- Helioscreen Project. Main stairs & balustrades.- Serralharia Cunha. Mesh & balustrades.- Cevan. Interior doors.- Schrijnwerken Waterschoot.
Site area.- 0,65 ha. Main building size.- 8.462 sqm (gross floor area). Accessory building size.- 562 sqm. (gross floor area). Main building volume.- 45.928 m³ (gross volume). Accessory building volume.- 2.527 m³ (gross volume).
Building cost.- € 17.018.220,- (excl. accessory building, intra-metro, exterior, ICT and special technical equipment, VAT ). Intra-metro cost.- € 1.080.000,- (incl. foundations in metro tunnel excl. vat). Exterior & landscape cost.- € 3.582.964,- (excl. vat). Divers other costs.- € 1.896.816,- (incl. accessory building, electrical installations exterior, special technical equipment interior etc., excl. VAT). Total building cost.- € 23.578.000,- (excl. vat).
Competition.- 05.2016 – 06.2016. Commission.- 06.2016 – 12.2020. Design.- 2016 – 2017. Execution.- 01.2018 – 12.2020. Preliminary delivery.- 18.12.2020.
Window frames.- Sprangers, Schüco. Exterior doors.- Schüco, Jansen, Forster. Steel facade cladding.- Tolartois. Extruded aluminium elements.- Schüco. Insulated glass.- Polypane. Exterior screen.- Helioscreen. Interior window frame.- Jansen. Interior doors.- De Coene. Acoustic ceiling.- Interalu. Rubber floor.- Objectflor. Lighting.-Philips, TrueLine, recessed.
Rue Dubois Thorn 50, 1080 Brussels, Belgium.

André Kempe-Oliver Thill ATELIER KEMPE THILL

Atelier Kempe Thill architects and planners was founded in 2000 by the two German architects, André Kempe (’68) and Oliver Thill (’71), following their Europan 5 winning proposal of three hundred dwellings in Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam. While this project didn’t result in a commission, the office survived the recession of 2002-2004 and has been able to position itself well within the European architectural scene. In the last fifteen years the practice has grown from a ‘two-man band’ to a stable, medium-sized office with around twenty five employees.

The office’s range of work has systematically broadened since its foundation. Beginning with collective housing and small public building commissions, the practice portfolio has developed to include large renovation, infrastructure and urban design projects. Single-sided specialisation and the consequent limitations have been avoided through the wide diversity of commissions; as a result the practice is also more economically stable. Since its foundation, Atelier Kempe Thill has tried not to limit itself to the Netherlands, but instead establish itself within the wider European market. Through its participation in over one hundred and twenty international competitions, the office has acquired commissions in the Austria, Belgium, Egypt, France, Germany, Morocco, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

Atelier Kempe Thill is becoming increasingly well known in architectural circles. In the last fifteen years the office has appeared in around five hundred publications worldwide, amongst which were two monographs. In addition, the office’s partners have given more than two hundred lectures. This professional recognition enables the office to acquire increasingly complex projects and compete with the larger, more commercial practices.

Anne Dengis, Alain Hinant, Stéphane Marville. Canevas

Canevas is an interprofessional company of architects and engineers created in 2004.

The company has taken over the architectural activities of the Greisch office; the associates of Canevas have all worked with René Greisch within the Greisch design office.

The company, located in Liège, in the Liège Science Park, employs about fifteen people: engineer-architects, architects, engineers, and technical draftsmen.

Canevas' architecture is guided by the search for the economy of means, simplicity, and structural efficiency. It is characterized by the use of a limited number of simple, economical, adaptable, and durable materials, formal purification for the benefit of functional efficiency, and the careful and elegant resolution of the smallest detail. It favors the use of local techniques, skills, and resources.

For each of its creations, the company applies its architectural and technical skills, its knowledge of materials and their respective qualities, its sensitive approach to the natural landscape and the built environment, it is reasoning in terms of program and distribution of spaces as well as its artistic judgment. The result is truly original works of design quality.

Canevas has a CoQual quality guarantee. This label is intended for construction companies, architectural and design offices that have decided to place customer satisfaction as a priority value.



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