SCOB wins the Lila 2020 award for his landscaping project Terra Dominicata Hotel & Winery

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Location Localización
1.5 km from the Charterhouse of Escaladei, in the Montsant Natural Park. T-702 Km 13 road (Between Escaladei and La Vilella). 43379 Escaladei. Tarragona. Spain.

Arquitectura y Paisaje SCOB

SCOB Arquitectura y Paisaje were founded by Sergi Carulla and Oscar Blasco in 2005. They are landscape architects. They teach at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura of Barcelona and at the Italian Centre of Architecture in Milan. Their work has been recognised internationally through awards, contests and specialised publications. At present, they investigate landscape through other disciplines that go beyond architecture, such as cinema and literature.

Sergi Carulla Architect. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, 1996 Landscape architect. Master de arquitectura del paisaje UPC, 2002 Founder partner of scob arquitectura y paisaje, 2005 Currently teaches in Master in Landscape Architecture of Barcelona and the Italian Centre of Architecture in Milan.

Oscar Blasco Architect. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, 1999 Landscape architect. Master de arquitectura del paisaje UPC, 2002 Founder partner of scob arquitectura y paisaje, 2005 Currently teaches in Master in Landscape Architecture of Barcelona and the Italian Centre of Architecture in Milan.




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