"Structures of Mutual Support" is the Philippine contribution to this year's Biennale di Venezia. The Pavilion will host the proposed Framework Collaborative, a team made up of GK Enchanted Farm Community and architects Sudarshan V. Khadka Jr. and Alexander Eriksson Furunesl, until November 21.

The design of the exhibition has been developed from a grid drawn in the very terrain of the realization of the work and in the local concept of Maaliwalas, which translates as a comfortable, bright, and ventilated space, and from which the idea arises from the library.
The Philippine Pavilion of the XVII International Architecture Exhibition, realized by GK Enchanted Farm Community, Sudarshan V. Khadka Jr., and Alexander Eriksson Furunes, is based on the values of the local economy and social and environmental sustainability. This has determined the proposal decisions, the resources used, and the construction process.

The collaborative project was committed to a wooden structure that involves resilience, diversity of uses, and reuse of materials. The set offers values that affect the built environment and a vision of architecture that involves society globally.

Description of project by Sudarshan V. Khadka Jr. and Eriksson Furunesl

Mutual support is a mode of self-organisation and collaboration for communities to build resilience and to support each other through adversity or crisis, such as the changing seasons, natural disasters, and armed conflict. It exists in many forms around the world and its principles are rooted in empathy, care, and reciprocity. The Norwegian Dugnad, Brazilian Mutirão, and the Filipino Bayanihan are specific expressions of mutual support systems. Structures of Mutual Support is a critical exploration and enactment of mutual support as a method of architectural praxis that engages issues of resilience, transformation, climate change, and structures of power and resistance.

The design was developed from the architectural concept of the grid, and the local concept of Maaliwalas. The grid was used to work in different scales, to budget the size of each program, to draw the space needed for the different activities and to locate them on a site-plan. The concept of Maaliwalas, which roughly translates to a space that is comfortable, bright and ventilated, guided the qualitative design decisions of the space, its orientation and openness.

The library was planned, designed and built through a process of Bayanihan, the Filipino concept of Mutual support. As a tradition that predates the market economy, social and environmental sustainability determines the way decisions are made, resources utilized, the process of construction, maintenance and operation. As such, it offers a different set of values that can give shape to our built environment.
El apoyo mutuo es un modo de autoorganización y colaboración para que las comunidades desarrollen resiliencia y se apoyen mutuamente en situaciones de adversidad o crisis, como los cambios de estación, los desastres naturales y los conflictos armados. Existe en muchas formas en todo el mundo y sus principios se basan en la empatía, el cuidado y la reciprocidad. El noruego Dugnad, el brasileño Mutirão y el filipino Bayanihan son expresiones específicas de sistemas de apoyo mutuo. Estructuras de apoyo mutuo es una exploración crítica y la promulgación del apoyo mutuo como un método de praxis arquitectónica que aborda cuestiones de resiliencia, transformación, cambio climático y estructuras de poder y resistencia.

El diseño se desarrolló a partir del concepto arquitectónico de la cuadrícula y el concepto local de Maaliwalas. La cuadrícula se utilizó para trabajar en diferentes escalas, para presupuestar el tamaño de cada programa, para dibujar el espacio necesario para las diferentes actividades y ubicarlas en un plano del sitio. El concepto de Maaliwalas, que se traduce aproximadamente en un espacio cómodo, luminoso y ventilado, guió las decisiones de diseño cualitativo del espacio, su orientación y apertura.

La biblioteca fue planificada, diseñada y construida mediante un proceso de Bayanihan, el concepto filipino de apoyo mutuo. Como tradición anterior a la economía de mercado, la sostenibilidad social y ambiental determina la forma en que se toman las decisiones, los recursos utilizados, el proceso de construcción, mantenimiento y operación. Como tal, ofrece un conjunto diferente de valores que pueden dar forma a nuestro entorno construido.

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National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), Arsenio “Nick” Lizaso, Chairman.
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May 22 to July 31, August 01 to September 21, 2021.
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Philippines Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. Venice, Italy.
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Sudarshan V. Khadka Jr. is the principal of i.incite, architects. Formerly, he was an associate at Leandro V. Locsin Partners (LVLP) where he was in-charge-of multiple projects. He is a member of the curatorial team of the Philippine Pavilion, “Muhon: Traces of an Adolescent City” at the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale. He is driven by the critical search for a modern vernacular and the exploration of the tectonic potential of construction.
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Alexander Eriksson Furunes studied at the Architectural Association before receiving his masters in architecture at NTNU, Norway. As co-founder of the design collective WORKSHOP architecture he has worked with communities in India, Philippines, UK and China. More recently Alexander’s studio erikssonfurunes completed project Tagpuro, Philippines (2013-16), following the destruction of project Tacloban (2010) by super typhoon Haiyan (nov 2013). Alexander is currently doing a research on participative planning, design and build processes as a fellow at the The Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (PKU)(2016-19). His work is a critical reflection on previous projects as well as an exploration of collaborative placemaking through new projects in both Asia and Europe.
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