Transformed void. Shougang Museum Regeneration Design by CCTN Design

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CCTN Design. Plan (CCTN Design).- Bo Hongtao, Liu Pengfei, Zhang Yang, Gao Wei, Fan Dandan, Kang Qi, Zhou Mingxu
Design & Management Team of the Owner
Wang Shizhong, Liu Hua, Jin Hongli, Xu Yan, Chai Dewen, Dong Quanxi
Design unit
CCTN Design, Shougang CCTN, Shougang International Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Construction drawing design team
Architecture (CCTN Design Bo Hongtao, Zhao Jiakang, Zhang Yang, Gao Wei, Zhang Zhicong, Zhu Xueyun, Kang Qi, Zhou Mingxu, Zhao Mengmeng, Ni Ziyu
Mechanical and electrical structure
Shougang International Engineering Co.,Ltd..- Hou Junda, Yuan Wenbing, Chen Gang, Ning Zhigang, Yin Yonggang, Ji Yongping, Zhang Xiuzhen, Chen Xilei, Li Hongfei, Yu Lifeng
Project owner
Beijing Shougang Construction Investment Co.,Ltd.
Project scale
49,800 m², where the aboveground part is 11,100 m², and the underground part is 38,700 m²
Creation time.- 2016.10-2017.4 Completion time.- plan to be completed in early 2019 (to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Shougang)
Construction site
North Part of Shougang Plant at Shijing Mountain, Beijing

Bo Hongtao. CCTN Design

Bo Hongtao. Chief Architect of CCTN Design, Winner of the Chinese Youth Architect Award, winner of the 2017 Royal Institute of Urban Planning Academy Excellence Program Award (top five in the world). As the chief architect of the Beijing 2022 Olympics Plaza, he shuttles between Beijing and Shanghai like a migratory bird. He is a witness of the Regeneration of Beijing and Shanghai.

CCTN Design is founded in 2003 and led by Mr. Cheng Taining, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, National Engineering Design Master. Based on architectural design, it also provides urban planning, landscape design and interior services. Upholding the concept of "integration of industry, study and research, emphasizing both technological innovation and theoretical research", CCTN has been building an overall platform that integrates the system of academic research, modern company and market operation.

CCTN has based in Shanghai, Hangzhou,  Qingdao, Xiamen, Chengdu, as well as joint venture agencies "Shougang CCTN" in Beijing and "Southeast CCTN" in Nanjing. Besides, the academician studio led by Mr.Cheng Taining is founded in 2014. It is the first design academician studio in Suzhou.



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