Chinese architecture firm LUO Studio has designed a glass and metal transparent structure to provide a temporary place for the Shengli Market in Puyang City, China, while a new building is redevelops on its original site .

LUO Studio used simple, low-cost and lightweight materials to design the temporary market facilities, that could be recycled once the market moves out.
The architects taked ideas from industrial sheds and greenhouses built using prefabricated and modular components for its design. The structure of this glazed box is supported by steel columns and trusses refined with a series of custom additions that would facilitate the orientation and use of the space, "to create order in the disorderly space."

A series of square shop units, of four metres in width, line three of the four edges of the market hall. The two-metre long shelf units, which provide flat space for market sellers fill the centre of the hall, arranged in long strips creating loosely enclosed spaces for the market sellers.

Project description by LUO Studio

The project is the temporary site of an old market, located in Puyang City, China. The original market was situated at an old urban area. After having served for the citizens for several decades, it became dirty and messy, and was subject to intense traffic. For the sake of urban renewal, the market and the old quarter where it was located urgently needed to be transformed or reconstructed. However, the whole process of demolishing, transformation and reconstruction takes time, but a market that meets people's basic living needs is indispensible. Therefore, it was imperative to build a temporary market to substitute the old one in a period of time.

On the opposite side of the old market, there was an unused plot of land, which was available for short-term rental. It's very close to the original market, making it convenient for vendors to move and citizens to shop. Next to an urban arterial road, the old market often suffered from traffic jam outside it, because the rapid popularization of automobiles hadn't been taken into account during its construction several decades ago. The plot is set back from the main road, leaving a parking area and forming a square plane. Since it's far smaller than the old market, the new construction fully occupies it.   

Temporary architecture & sustainability

The client requested a rapid construction process and low cost, while as designers we attached great importance to sustainability, hoping the architecture can be used for other purposes or recycled and reused after it completes its role as a temporary market. Taking those into consideration, we tried to figure out a solution to create a low-cost, multifunctional and sustainable architecture on the square plane in a short term. Eventually, we decided to adopt a fully industrialized vegetable shed-like architectural structure, built with standardized component sets. All the components are lightweight, modular and prefabricated, which ensured rapid construction, reduced cost and obtained a relatively expansive architectural space. Those construction elements including standardized rods can be dismantled, recycled, or reused for other constructions.

From disorder to order

Space of standard industrialized sheds is usually homogeneous and disorderly, and most traditional food markets have a common problem — chaotic visual identity. Therefore, after deciding to adopt an architectural structure resembling industrialized vegetable sheds, the next important step was to create order in the disorderly space by adding some necessary "extensions", so as to facilitate the management of selling activities and improve citizen's shopping experiences. On the one hand, the added extensions must respect and take advantage of the standard modular sizes of existing structures as well as rods. On the other hand, built with non-standard components (less reusable), the extensions' cost must be minimized.  

Based on thorough analysis, we added enclosed shops and open shelves to the space, and built an entrance canopy.

We arranged multiple connected shops on the edge areas of the space. Each shop is enclosed on three sides, and has an equal width and length of 4 meters, which is coordinated with the sizes of the external walls' structural rods. Those shops have a relatively large scale and independent names, mainly selling dried food, cooked food and seasonings. Besides, every shop has a rolling door, and on the door's top is a protruded shaft. The shafts were covered and protected by steel angles and wooden grilles, on which shop signboards of uniform size were installed at the same height.      

The shelf area is open, and the average space for each booth is relatively limited. Each single shelf has a total length of 2 meters, and generally one booth occupies two shelves. Considering the visual height and length, it was unfeasible to set the signs on the shelves. Therefore, based on the structural columns in the open space, we utilized steel and timber to create inverted rectangular pyramid structures, which look like umbrellas. Those structures not only serve for putting signs to indicate the market's different areas, but also are convenient for lighting fixture installation.

We added a canopy to the entrance. In order to ensure the steadiness of the protruded canopy, we also chose rectangular pyramid structures, which are material-saving as well.

All the extensions were built with cheap and easily accessible materials including ordinary timber, lightweight steel panels, cement slabs, steel angles and polycarbonate sheets, which were easy for installation and construction. Natural and warm-colored timber can be widely seen within the entire space, which was applied to the open shelves, cornices of the enclosed shops and umbrella-shaped structural columns, thereby resulting in a clear visual identity of the space and creating a sense of order in it.


El proyecto es el sitio temporal de un antiguo mercado, ubicado en la ciudad de Puyang, China. El mercado original estaba situado en una antigua zona urbana. Después de haber servido a los ciudadanos durante varias décadas, se volvió sucio y desordenado, y estuvo sujeto a tráfico intenso. En aras de la renovación urbana, el mercado y el casco antiguo donde se ubicaba con urgencia necesitaban ser transformados o reconstruidos. Sin embargo, todo el proceso de demolición, transformación y reconstrucción lleva tiempo, pero un mercado que satisfaga las necesidades básicas de vida de las personas es indispensable. Por lo tanto, era imperativo construir un mercado temporal para sustituir el antiguo en un período de tiempo.

En el lado opuesto del antiguo mercado, había una parcela de tierra no utilizada, que estaba disponible para alquiler a corto plazo. Está muy cerca del mercado original, por lo que es conveniente que los vendedores se muden y que los ciudadanos compren. Junto a una carretera arterial urbana, el antiguo mercado a menudo sufría atascos de tráfico fuera de él, porque la rápida popularización de los automóviles no se había tenido en cuenta durante su construcción hace varias décadas. La trama se retrasa de la carretera principal, dejando un área de estacionamiento y formando un plano cuadrado. Como es mucho más pequeño que el antiguo mercado, la nueva construcción lo ocupa por completo.

Arquitectura temporal y sostenibilidad

El cliente solicitó un proceso de construcción rápido y de bajo costo, mientras que como diseñadores le dimos gran importancia a la sostenibilidad, con la esperanza de que la arquitectura pueda usarse para otros fines o reciclarse y reutilizarse después de que complete su papel como mercado temporal. Teniendo esto en cuenta, tratamos de encontrar una solución para crear una arquitectura sostenible, multifuncional y de bajo costo en el plano cuadrado a corto plazo. Finalmente, decidimos adoptar una estructura arquitectónica completamente industrializada similar a un cobertizo vegetal, construida con conjuntos de componentes estandarizados. Todos los componentes son livianos, modulares y prefabricados, lo que garantiza una construcción rápida, un costo reducido y un espacio arquitectónico relativamente expansivo. Esos elementos de construcción, incluidas las varillas estandarizadas, pueden desmontarse, reciclarse o reutilizarse para otras construcciones.

Del desorden al orden

El espacio de los cobertizos industrializados estándar suele ser homogéneo y desordenado, y la mayoría de los mercados de alimentos tradicionales tienen un problema común: la identidad visual caótica. Por lo tanto, después de decidir adoptar una estructura arquitectónica similar a los cobertizos de vegetales industrializados, el siguiente paso importante fue crear orden en el espacio desordenado agregando algunas "extensiones" necesarias, para facilitar la gestión de las actividades de venta y mejorar las experiencias de compra de los ciudadanos. Por un lado, las extensiones adicionales deben respetar y aprovechar los tamaños modulares estándar de las estructuras existentes, así como las varillas. Por otro lado, construido con componentes no estándar (menos reutilizables), el costo de las extensiones debe minimizarse.

Con base en un análisis exhaustivo, agregamos tiendas cerradas y estantes abiertos al espacio, y construimos un dosel de entrada.

Organizamos múltiples tiendas conectadas en las áreas de borde del espacio. Cada tienda está cerrada por tres lados y tiene un ancho y una longitud iguales de 4 metros, que se coordina con los tamaños de las barras estructurales de las paredes externas. Esas tiendas tienen una escala relativamente grande y nombres independientes, que venden principalmente alimentos secos, alimentos cocinados y condimentos. Además, cada tienda tiene una puerta enrollable, y en la parte superior de la puerta hay un eje sobresaliente. Los ejes estaban cubiertos y protegidos por ángulos de acero y rejillas de madera, en los que se instalaban letreros de tiendas de tamaño uniforme a la misma altura.

El área del estante está abierta, y el espacio promedio para cada stand es relativamente limitado. Cada estante tiene una longitud total de 2 metros, y generalmente una cabina ocupa dos estantes. Teniendo en cuenta la altura y la longitud visual, no era factible colocar los letreros en los estantes. Por lo tanto, en base a las columnas estructurales en el espacio abierto, utilizamos acero y madera para crear estructuras piramidales rectangulares invertidas, que parecen sombrillas. Esas estructuras no solo sirven para poner letreros para indicar las diferentes áreas del mercado, sino que también son convenientes para la instalación de accesorios de iluminación.

Agregamos un dosel a la entrada. Para garantizar la estabilidad del dosel sobresaliente, también elegimos estructuras piramidales rectangulares, que también ahorran material.

Todas las extensiones fueron construidas con materiales baratos y de fácil acceso, incluyendo madera común, paneles de acero livianos, losas de cemento, ángulos de acero y láminas de policarbonato, que fueron fáciles de instalar y construir. La madera natural y de colores cálidos se puede ver ampliamente en todo el espacio, que se aplicó a los estantes abiertos, cornisas de las tiendas cerradas y columnas estructurales en forma de paraguas, lo que resulta en una clara identidad visual del espacio y crea una sensación de orden en el mismo.

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More information

LUO studio. Lead Architects.- Yujie Luo. Participating designer.- Wenjing Wei.
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Coordination design firm
Shanghai QIWU Architectural Design & Consultation Co., Ltd.
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Shengli Sub-district Office, Hualong District, Puyang, Henan, China
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Main builder
Puyang JINGYI Architectural Decoration Design and Engineering Co., Ltd.
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2902.0 m²
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Start.- December 2018. Completed.- April, 2019.
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Southeast of the intersection of Shengli Road and Changqing Road, Puyang City, Henan Province, China.
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Weiqi Jin, Yujie Luo.

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LUO studio is an architecture firm founded by Luo Yujie. First Prize of BIAD Scholarship (July 2006). Graduation design work won the First Prize, Architecture School of CAFA (July 2007). Master of Architecture and Excellent Graduate of CAFA; permanent member of CAFA Alumni Association. The work “3in1” won BIAD Re-design First Prize and was displayed in the Documentary Exhibition — “Beyond Architecture” in Venice, Beijing Today Art Museum and Shanghai CBC Architecture Theme Pavilion (September 2013). Honoured as “BIAD Model” at the 65th-anniversary celebration of the Beijing Institute of Architectural Design (BIAD) (2014). Excellent Postgraduate Thesis and Design, CAFA; Graduation design work was displayed in the CAFAM exhibition -- “Journey of a Thousand Miles” (July 2014).

Luo Yujie is a Teacher in, the course of construction basics, at the School of Architecture, Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA). Director, Sustainable Village Studio of China New Rural Planning and Design Institute. Director, former BIAD-1A1 Creative Center.
Longfu Life Experience Center, finalist of WA Award of China Architecture (WAACA) — Technological Innovation Award (October 2018).
Excellent Employee of the Year, China New Rural Planning and Design Institute;  Works including Yuzhuang Series Design and People’s Stage In Shagezhai Village were awarded as Excellent Design of the Year (February 2018).
First group of selected designers, C Class Plan B sponsored by C FOUNDATION (2017).
Worked as an architectural and structural expert and took the responsibility of designing and constructing space for Experience China in Finland -- Hi China VR Show (June 2017).
Installation work “The Constant” was exhibited in Beijing Design Week (September 2015).
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Published on: September 18, 2019
Cite: "Transparent, clean and light. Temporary Site of Shengli Market by LUO studio " METALOCUS. Accessed
<> ISSN 1139-6415
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