We bring a project already known,it showed in Madrid and was posted here several months ago (link below): "THE WALLS ARE COMING DOWN. Sensorial activation spaces", their authors send us all documentation, it is a good oportunity to publication.


Yes, we could start, for example, telling that the project creates a circular space, a space where one can come in and simply experiment with different sensations, through sight, touch and smell. We could explain that it was built for an Architecture Festival in Barcelona, though that is not the point, but it is certainly important that it only “lived” for 3 days. Because, instead of being  a barrier, the fact that it  would only last a very short amount of time and the fact that it was surrounded by such different elements, turned into an opportunity to deal with things that we are not used to deal with: Light and slight things, almost evanescent.

Therefore, we could also say that the project was configured through the articulation of three different spaces that made emerge the final project volume. Anyone that would get close to it, the first thing he would see would be an oval shape, deformed from one of its limits, and once inside, he would find another shape, that would also be circular, but quite smaller, noticing thus that in between of these two shapes there would be  a third space that would absorb the differences. We would explain that this intermediate space contained the aromatic species and the surrounding smell, and that, thanks to this space, the light flooded the interior, so that One wouldn’t exactly know where the light was coming from, as it happens in Borromini’s architecture. It would seem that the light would come from everywhere, and then we could explain that this just happened because the project was just a “fabric” made out of a repetition of pieces, organized in a certain way, that created a net that tended to close in itself.

We could also explain how it was built. During a hole week we mixed digital and manual crafting, and thanks to this, we could focus on the specific, on a more free way, in order to end up at the same point on which we began this memory, referring to the circularity of the project, the circularity that defines the proposal and that allows us to arrive the point on which the limits are so blurred that we cannot tell what came out before: Form or use, space or structure, interior or exterior.

There are many ways of doing architecture, - there are also many ways to start and end a memory-, but in this case what is important is just that, as in this memory, it is circular.

Architects: takk // mireia luzárraga + alejandro muiño.

The walls are coming down is a double skin made out of 5553 white foam pieces manually cut and glued around 35000 times. This skin is colonized by 3 different kinds of flowers: 350 daisies, 60 lilies and 150 carnations that are woven with 50m of nylon thread and sewed surrounding a 48 pieces structure made out of lacquered wood. These pieces are assembled and form 6 horizontal sections and 6 vertical sections.

Acknowledgements: Alberto T. Estévez, Enric Ruiz Geli, and the Digital Fabrication Laboratory ESARQ-UIC

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Takk (Mireia Luzárraga + Alejandro Muiño) is a space for architectural production focused in the development of experimental and speculative material practices in the intersection between nature and culture in the contemporary framework, with a special attention on the overcoming of anthropocentrism on its different ways (political, ecological, cultural, ​on gender...), and also on the definition of new notions of beauty through the articulation of the difference by assembling a multiplicity of materials from different origins and conditions, paying attention both to their physical properties and to their symbolic associations.

Mireia Luzárraga (Madrid, 1981) and Alejandro Muiño (Barcelona, 1982) are architects since 2008 graduated with honors for Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM-UPM) and Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura del Vallés (ETSAV-UPC) respectively and M.Arch. Architects for Universidad Internacional de Cataluña (ESARQ-UIC).

Their work has been awarded and distinguished in several national and international competitions. Some of them are: Fad Award on Architecture 2011 for the Project The walls Are Coming Down (2011) on the Ephemeral Interventions Group, Fad Award on Architecture Shortlisted for the Project Dreamhouse (2013), and they have been catalogued on the two last editions of the Arquia Próxima Award for architects under 40 in Spain. Besides, Takk has been awarded with the first Price for the built projects Paradís (2012) and Dreamhouse (2013), has won an Honourable Mention in the 1st Award on Social Architecture of the Konecta Foundation 2012 for the project Suitcase House, and has been invited to participate on the Open Innovation Platform in the Spanish Pavilion on the XIII International Exhibition of the Venice Biennale in 2012. Their work has been distinguised in national and international platforms such as Europan or Pasajes-iGuzzini and it has been published in magazines such as OnDiseño, D+A, Pasajes de Arquitectura y Crítica, AV Proyectos, Arquitectura COAM or Arquine among others. They have been exhibited at the Centre de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona (CCCB), the International Art Fair ARCOmadrid, the Cultural Center las Cigarreras at Alicante, and the FAD (Fomento del Arte y del Diseño).

Additionally to this profesional practice, Takk is developing a framework in the field of research and teaching. Mireia Luzárraga and Alejandro Muiño are teachers in the Projects Department of the Universidad de Alicante (UA), on the Instituto Europeo di Design in Madrid (IED Madrid), and Master Tutors in the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia in Barcelona(IAAC). They have also participated as teachers in different workshops and summer schools and have explained their work in several lectures internationally.

At the present time, Mireia and Alejandro combine their profesional and teaching labour with the development of their respective PhD Thesis on the politics of ornament and self sufficient micro-communities. They have been granted for them with the scholarship “Junior Faculty – La Caixa”.
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