Aladdin's Lamp: Artificial Intelligence, Architecture and Imagination

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Cesare Battelli

Cesare Battelli is an Italian artist and architect. He mainly devotes himself to research and experiments in the field of visionary art and architecture, as well as the realization of architectural projects on different scales. He has taught, held various workshops, and member of the jury panel in many universities such as Politecnico Di Milano, Sek, Ie, Etsam, Esne, Nebrija, Iuav, Guc, UAH, Alba, Uba etc, as well as in international competitions. He graduated from the Iuav in Venice with an architectural project developed in Moscow relating Geography and Architecture and holds a master's degree in architecture at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Städelschule in Frankfurt, under the guidance of Enric Miralles and Peter Cook. He has travelled and worked in several European countries (Venice, Moscow, Barcelona, Frankfurt, and Madrid).

He has written articles for several architecture magazines such as A.E., Novalis, Utopica, METALOCUS and so on, and has lectured at many European Universities. In 1998, he promoted the "Einander Group" and subsequently the "Meta-morphic Group" until 2001, when he embarked on a solo career by founding his own Visionary-Architecture research platform and maintaining some collaborative relationships with EMBT of which he was a collaborator in the Nearly Ninety project for Merce Cunningham, curator of the Exhibition 4 cuartos and publications. The projects, collaborations and writings he has made since the early nineties have been published by the following magazines: El Croquis, Architectural Monographs (AD), Diseño Interior, Frame, Spazio and Architettura, Architettura Cronaca e Storia and various digital magazines of architecture such as Icarch, ArchitectMagazine, The Conversation and METALOCUS. He is currently a researcher at the UAH University of Alcalá, Madrid.



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