Architecture, terrain, landscape. Workshop House by Agustín Berzero and Manuel González Veglia

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Agustín Berzero, Manuel Gonzalez Veglia (TECTUM).
Project team
Engineer: Edgar Moran.
54 sqm.
Project Year.- 2018.
Construction Year.- 2020-2021.
La Paisanita, Córdoba, Argentina.

Manuel Gonzalez Veglia. TECTUM Arquitectura

TECTUM Arquitectura is a architecture studio founded by the architect Manuel Gonzalez Veglia whose purpose is to design and build spaces that are permeated by sensitivity to the landscape, always prioritizing the user experience.

Inspired by art and motivated by technique, TECTUM investigates, experiments and takes each project as a challenge, with a single purpose, to search and never stop searching.

They practice the profession in a reflective manner, trying to detect, through a critical and sensitive reading of our time and place, those paths that lead to proposals that physically and conceptually relate the work to its context.

By comprehensively managing projects from their feasibility to their completion, they try to think of precise and at the same time flexible strategies that, within their internal logic, enable not only eventual changes that guarantee their viability; but also those licenses that, due to concerns more related to the disciplinary field or abstraction, we are interested in experimenting.

Agustín Berzero

Agustín Berzero architect based in the city of Córdoba, Argentina. He founded his studio in 2014 with Valeria Jaros, with whom he worked until 2019.



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