CSCAE Architecture Awards ceremony was held at the Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid and concluded in the historic Claustro de los Jerónimos, as part of the Paisaje de la Luz, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The names of the 9 winners, including three special distinctions, the ex-aequo Spanish Architecture Award, the Spanish Urbanism Award, and the Permanence Award, have been revealed at a gala in which César Portela has also been awarded the Gold Medal of Architecture for his professional career.

This ceremony was also attended by the Secretary of State for Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda, David Lucas Parrón, and the representatives of the 21 finalist works that were selected from among 177 projects that passed in the first phase among the 429 projects presented.

The winning projects are a sample of the best contributions of architecture and urbanism to improve the quality of our environment, the health of people, and the sustainability of the planet, a contribution that is made from research, dissemination, and innovation. These projects have been awarded the TOITS sculpture.
The works respond to values of architectural dissemination and diffusion, innovation, and entrepreneurship, as well as other ways of practicing the profession (Commitment Award); universal values (Sustainability and Health Award); cultural and artistic values (New Bauhaus Prize); basic values of Architecture and Urbanism (Habitat Award); values associated with rehabilitation, renovation, and regeneration (Re Prize for rehabilitation) and professional and ethical values (Profession Prize). In addition, three special distinctions have been awarded: the Spanish Architecture Award, the Spanish Urbanism Award, and the Permanence Award.
The president of the CSCAE, Marta Vall-lllossera, has underlined the influence of architecture in the lives of all people, "because we live, work, educate or carry out leisure activities there", and has highlighted: "In the face of globalization that does not take into account the place and that leads us towards a standardized culture, a quality architecture will allow us to maintain the cultural values that generate the feelings of rooting and belonging to a community, and this not only in the built space or in the towns and cities, but in the landscape and the environment that, from childhood, each one remembers and esteems according to their experiences».
Six works were awarded for their value.

Social Housing in Ibiza by Pep Ripoll Vaquer and Juan Miguel Tizón Garau.
Promoters: Institut Balear de l'Habitatge (IBAVI).
Location: Ibiza, Balearic Islands.

Sustainability and health award. Social housing in Ibiza by Ripoll-Tizón. Photograph by José Hevia.

The building is located on the border between a residential area and a floodplain area in Ibiza. It seeks to get away from the existing environment and take inspiration from the popular architecture of the island, with white walls, solar protections, and shaded spaces. The proposal consists of a group of stacked and attached houses, with an interior space that connects patios and porches, creating community areas. The car park is located on the ground floor due to the nearby water table. 19 homes distributed on the upper floors are built, all with good lighting and cross ventilation. Sustainability is prioritized with an A energy rating, using natural lighting, renewable energy and efficient technologies.
"The project shows extreme confidence that both the plan and the section are generators of quality in architecture. Oblivious to a mainstream that associates social housing with bare finishes and fake craftsmanship, it is committed to the complex simplicity provided by the relationship between spaces and simple qualities. In this way, living areas of great wealth and versatility and shapes and images of great personality are achieved. The decorative resources extracted from the most ancestral crafts of the area endow the proposal with a highly valuable rooting in the popular. Values of always in architecture for today."
Jury statement.
NEW BAUHAUS AWARD: Cultural and artistic values
Wildgarten Quartier Wien by Arenas Basabe Palacios Arquitectos (Enrique Arenas Laorga, Luis Basabe Montalvo and Luis Palacios Labrador); M&S Architekten, Vienna (urban planning), Buschina & Partner, Vienna (architecture).
Promoters: ARE (Austrian Real Estate GmbH).
Location: Madrid and Vienna.

New Bauhaus Award. The Sunflower Houses by Arenas Basabe Palacios. Photograph by Kurt Hoerbst.

The Vienna Wildgarten project presents an innovative approach to inclusive and democratic urban planning for the design of a new neighborhood. Through a collaborative process and the participation of multiple stakeholders, including public entities, developers, citizens, and cooperatives, who worked together to define planning and construction management. The project is based on a matrix of gardens that structure the territory, creating extroverted plots that allow for architectural diversity and a community space called 'Allmende'. The project received recognition and is under construction, enriching the social mix of the neighborhood.
"The project presents an innovative practice of inclusive and democratic urbanism, with a coherent urban expansion, the result of a process of negotiation and coexistence, which begins with planning but prospers and continues in urbanization, construction, use and reaches the administration of the varied and rich community spaces. Collaborative management of the services of a high-quality built environment is presented, in a community architecture that configures the community that it houses."
Jury statement.

COMMITMENT AWARD: Values associated with innovation, diversification, disclosure, and diffusion
Domestic sunrises. ISSUES OF COLLECTIVE HOUSING IN 21ST CENTURY EUROPE by Carmen Espegel, Andrés Cánovas and José María de Lapuerta.
Promoters: ICO Foundation and Asymmetric Editions.
Location: Madrid.

Commitment award. Domestic sunrises. Collective housing in 21st century Europe.

The book published by Ediciones Asimétricas, layout by César Ávila, from Gráfica Futura, is a compilation of the exhibition "Domestic Dawns" at the ICO Museum. The book follows "Housetag"'s research on housing in Europe in the 21st century, classifying the projects by theme. The proposal at the ICO Museum focuses on seven themes, with interviews with the inhabitants and architects of seven outstanding buildings. The works for the exhibition were redrawn and re-photographed, and relevant thinkers and news were incorporated. The book is also freely available at with videos, plans, and photographs.
"The publication stands out for its ability to capture research on the types of European housing architecture, in which the types of housing are redrawn from the study of server spaces and served spaces."
Jury statement.

PROFESSION AWARD: Professional and ethical values
Initial school 140 in the community of Santa Cruz de Villacuri "Barrio Chino", Ica, Peru by Atelier Ander Bados (Ander Bados Sesma) and Estudio Copla (Betsaida Curto Reyes).
Promoters: NGO All Hands and Hearts.
Location: Peru.

Profession award. Escuela inicial 140 por Ander Bados Sesma, Betsaida Curto Reyes. Fotografía por Eleazar Cuadros.

Villacuri is a human settlement in the Peruvian desert, the result of an invasion that began 25 years ago. It lacks urban planning and only has a few shops near the road. The lack of government attention has affected the vulnerable population, including the school, which has not been rebuilt since an earthquake in 2007. The NGO All Hands and Hearts decided to rebuild the school in 2019. The identity of the place is based on the diversity of cultures and construction techniques used. The design uses local materials that help the community itself to feel identified and dignify local construction methods. Solutions were implemented to beat the desert heat and improve security, privacy, and easy access for parents. In general, the project reflects the harshness of the environment and highlights local elements such as the wild cane and the mat.
"In a context of climate emergency, and aware of the need to promote responsible architecture to guarantee the well-being of all people, the Initial School 140 stands out for its architectural quality and its commitment to environmental, social, and economic sustainability. They are evident in the use of zero kilometer materials without coating and in its careful bioclimatic response, which offers shaded spaces and cross ventilation to mitigate high temperatures."
Jury statement.

RE AWARD FOR RENOVATION: Values associated with rehabilitation, renovation, and regeneration
Rehabilitation of offices 1822 by David Lorente; Josep Ricart; Xavier Ros; Roger Tudó - HARQUITECTES.
Promoters: Galenicum.
Location: Barcelona.

Renovation award. Galenicum New Headquarters by Harquitectes. Photography by Adrià Goula.

The design focuses on the renovation of an industrial building to house the new offices of a pharmaceutical company. The aim is to adapt the existing open space and offices to the needs of the company, which has 140 employees and various departments. It is proposed to improve the building envelope to regulate the temperature and organize the work space in two areas; on the one hand, a large open space typical of industrial activity and, on the other hand, an office building.
"The renovation design has managed to transform an old industrial building into a coworking and living space, with a bio-climatization strategy that encourages collaboration and natural comfort. The project has reoccupied the space, of industrial dimensions, and has endowed it with a more domestic scale, creating welcoming and flexible environments that, in turn, define the work dynamics and the relationship with the immediate environment through green patios. With great sensitivity, he integrates solutions that combine sustainability and beauty while respecting the original character of the building, reusing existing structures, and contributing to improving people's quality of life and urban regeneration."
Jury statement.

HABITAT AWARD: Basic Values of Architecture and Urbanism
Landscape Adaptation and Intervention in the Almadraba of Nueva Umbría, Lepe by SOL89 (María González García and Juan José López de la Cruz).
Promoters: D.G Territorial Planning, Urbanism, and Urban Agenda. Ministry of Development, Articulation of the Territory and Housing of the Junta de Andalucía.
Location: Huelva, Andalusia.

Habitat award. Landscape intervention in the Almadraba del Rompido by Sol89. Photograph by Fernando Alda.

The Real de la Almadraba, located in the Flecha del Rompido natural area, is an architectural complex built in 1929 that represented the art of tuna fishing on the Huelva coast. Abandoned in the 1970s, it was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 2015. The rehabilitation focused on industrial pieces and is completed with a pedestrian path that connects the Piedras River with the Atlantic Ocean. The rehabilitation is divided into two areas, the jetty and the diesel booth, of which barely any trace remained, and the boiler, the chimney, and the tar pit, in a better state of conservation, although in need of a strong intervention. The project seeks to recover the patrimonial and ethnological heritage of this ancient fishing art in harmony with the coastal environment of Huelva.
"It stands out for the clarity, elegance, and beauty of the intervention. Its ability to integrate into the landscape in a subtle way and, at the same time, be respectful of pre-existing conditions, recovering the hallmarks of a way of life that lived in harmony with nature. An exciting and evocative proposal, it captures and blends the magical light of the southern seas into the solution."
Jury statement.

Three special distinctions.

House in red by estudio_entresitio (María Hurtado de Mendoza Wahrolén, César Jiménez de Tejada Benavides and Alvar Ruiz Villanueva).
Promoters: Private.
Location: Ávila, Castilla y León.

Spanish Architecture Award (ex aequo). House in red by estudio_entresitioby estudio_entresitio. Photograph by Roland Halbe.

The project is located in Calas de Guisando, Ávila, and stands out for its respect for the surrounding landscape and vegetation. The house in red blends harmoniously into the environment using stilt architecture on stilts, barely touching the ground. The house plan adapts to the topography and existing trees, growing and shortening between them. The house connects with the environment through different intermediate levels and offers private spaces connected to the exterior and the common area. The construction is carried out with laminated boards and sustainability and energy efficiency are prioritized.
"It stands out for its ability to walk on the slope of the plot on the edge of the reservoir, generating its own shape as a precipitate in redwood and glass from the upper access, creating a succession of interior descents and openings to the spectacular views of the surroundings. Each exterior and interior unevenness serves as an occasion for an experience of perception and adaptation to the terrain."
Jury statement.

Rehabilitation of offices 1822 by David Lorente; Josep Ricart; Xavier Ros; Roger Tudó - HARQUITECTES.
Promoters: Galenicum.
Location: Barcelona, Catalonia.

Spanish Architecture Award (ex aequo). Galenicum New Headquarters by Harquitectes. Photography by Adrià Goula.

The project focuses on the renovation of an industrial building to house the new offices of a pharmaceutical company. The aim is to adapt the existing open space and offices to the needs of the company, which has 140 employees and various departments. It is proposed to improve the building envelope to regulate the temperature and organize the workspace in two areas; on the one hand, a large open space typical of industrial activity and, on the other hand, an office building. The open space of the ships is interrupted by a central courtyard. In the offices, the different departments are organized into families or "tribes" with their own synergies. The proposal proposes that these tribes work in a circle, around a space with a strong plant component. Transparent wooden panels are used to create work areas and intermediate spaces and protected patios are integrated for leisure activities and rest.

"It is a timely and successful intervention in one of the many industrial buildings that become obsolete. it demonstrates the capacities and occasions of the volume suggested by the same original construction system and regenerates a new productive environment of high environmental and spatial quality through replicable and exemplary strategies."
Jury statement.

n'UNDO Plan #Manilva_towards a Local Urban Agenda by n'UNDO Technical Office (n'OT), represented by Beatriz Sendín Jiménez, Verónica Sánchez Carrera and Alejandro del Castillo.
Promoters: City Hall of Manilva (Málaga).
Location: Manilva, Andalusia.


Spanish Urbanism Award. n'UNDO Plan #Manilva_towards a Local Urban Agenda by n'UNDO Technical Office (n'OT), represented by Beatriz Sendín Jiménez, Verónica Sánchez Carrera and Alejandro del Castillo.

This study is a tool for the improvement and regeneration of the urban and territorial environment of Manilva, with the criteria established by the national and international Urban Agendas, looking for a way to improve their standards and approach the recommended ranges in each of the different aspects. that define urban environments. A detailed analysis of current urban planning is carried out, identifying areas for improvement in different aspects such as sustainable land use, renaturation, decarbonization, resilience to climate change, access to quality housing, mobility, and accessibility, proposing up to 212 proposals that seek to improve the urban and territorial environment of Manilva in the short, medium and long term.
"It is a coherent proposal with a new approach to the urbanism of the 21st century, aimed at ordering, regulating, and improving the existing reality in the face of the increase in the consumption of natural resources. It establishes the precise lines for rigorous urban planning, based on the principles of international urban agendas, through a triple transversal approach: "don't do", "redo" and "undo". In this way, he builds an innovative, courageous process committed to society in a difficult environment, in which his message acquires greater value as a point of reference for another way of proposing responsible urbanism and is directed, unequivocally, at improving the lives of people."
  Jury statement.

Murcia Congress Center by Paredes Pedrosa Arquitectos (Ángela García de Paredes; Ignacio G. Pedrosa).
Promoters: Autonomous Community of Murcia. Ministry of Tourism and Culture of the Region of Murcia.
Location: Murcia.


Permanence Award. Murcia Congress Center by Ángela García de Paredes y Falla; Juan Ignacio Garcia Pedrosa. Photography by Luis Asín.

The Congress Center completes the program of uses of the Murcia Auditorium, a work by Paredes Pedrosa in which exteriors and interiors come together and an area of naves and patios is configured in a garden that functions as a meeting point and creates a permanent visual relationship between both spaces. After twenty years since its construction and an intensive use complementary to the musical use of the Auditorium, its rooms have hosted congresses, exhibitions, events, and celebrations... The exterior and interior are confused through the reflection of the glass enclosures. In this way, the rooms follow one another in an open and luminous area, between patios, in which its dimensioning allows to control the direct entrance of the sun in continuous transparency. The project has received mentions and awards for its architectural design for decades.

"The projected equipment stands out for its timeless sobriety and simplicity which, together with its spatial solidity and versatility, manages to maintain a perennial balance. The Congress Center completes the program of uses of the Murcia Auditorium, whose emphatic triangular geometry did not allow for a physical attachment. The building, autonomous and independent of the auditorium, is associated with it based on its materials and color range, enhancing the open spaces as an extension of both buildings and, in this way, creating a space for meeting and a relationship between the two. permanent visual, which maintains its interest and validity."
Jury statement.
The CSCAE Architecture Awards gala was led by the architect, actress, and writer Cayetana Cabezas, in which the winners received the prize sculpture, "TOITS", designed by the architects Jesús de los Ojos Moral, Jairo Rodríguez Andrés, Manuel Fernández Catalina, and Ana Muñoz López, prepared by COMPAC.

The Jury in charge was made up of the second vice president of the CSCAE, Moisés Castro Porto (as president of the Jury), Nuria Matarredona (general director of Urban Agenda and Architecture of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda), Juan Carlos Sancho Osinaga (architect with recognized building professional experience), Sara de Giles Dubois (architect with recognized building professional experience), Agnieszka Stepien (expert in innovation and entrepreneurship), Manuel Herrero Sánchez (president of the Union of Associations of Urban Planners Architects), Javier García Solera (Permanence Award in the previous edition of the ARQUITECTURA Awards), Edgar González (expert in architectural dissemination), Mª José Peñalver Sánchez (CSCAE treasurer and member of the Awards and Distinctions Working Group), Paco Sanchis (CEO of COMPAC) and Laureano Matas Trenas (general secretary of the CSCAE).
César Portela. Born in Pontevedra in 1937, César Portela studied Architecture at the Superior Technical Schools of Architecture in Madrid and Barcelona. Two years after his graduation, in 1966, he obtained a doctor's degree.

In his extensive career, construction works stand out, such as the Córdoba Bus Station, which earned him, in 1999, the National Architecture Award; the Central Station of Valencia, the Natural History Museum of Galicia, the Palace of Congresses and Leisure and the Domus Building, in A Coruña; the Fisterra Municipal Cemetery, the Cádiz Railway Station; the Palacio Auditorio Mar de Vigo and the Airport Terminal of said city; the Togamura Ethnographic Museum, in Japan, and the Sharm El-Sheik Control Tower, in Egypt, among others.

He has also projected interventions in public spaces, such as the Cabo Fisterra Master Plan, the rehabilitation of San Simón Island or the Special Plan for intervention in Pazo de Oca and its surroundings, recognized in 1981 with the National Urbanism Award. . To these recognitions are added distinctions and honors from various national and international institutions.

Visiting professor at numerous universities and institutions around the world -among them, the Superior School of Architecture of Pamplona, Nancy, Caracas, Lisbon and Weimar-, he has also directed various seminars and architecture workshops, some as relevant as the one directed in collaboration with Aldo Rossi in Santiago de Compostela (1974), the international architecture workshops in Naples, Seville, Barcelona, Belfort, Caracas, the IV Santander Architecture Biennial; the Seminar on Culture and Nature: Architecture and Landscape, dependent on the Menéndez Pelayo University, on the Island of San Simón, and the direction of the Architecture Seminar of the University of Weimar. He has been a professor of Projects for 20 years at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Galicia.
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Ángela García de Paredes (1958) and Ignacio García Pedrosa (1957) are architects by the Architecture School of Madrid, where they teach. Invited professors in other spanish and foreign universities for teaching, critics and speakers. In 1990 they founded Paredes Pedrosa Studio, after collaborating with José María García de Paredes for several years.

They are authors of, among other works, the Valdemaqueda Town Hall, Valle Inclán Theatre in Madrid, the Archaelogical Museum of Almería, Peñíscola Auditorium, La Olmeda Roman Ville, Ceuta Library or the Lugo Auditorium. Their work has been recognized with the 2007 Spanish Architecture National Award, ar+d Award, Europan II and IV, Europa Nostra, Madrid Architecture Award, Mansilla Award, Gold Medal International Prize for Sustainable Architecture, Mediterranean Sustaniable Architecture Award and 'Golden Medal for the Merit in Fine Arts' 2014, given by the Culture and Sports Spanish Ministery. Their work has been exhibited in many national and international architecture biennials.

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estudio.entresitio is a Madrid-NY base practice, founded by María Hurtado de Mendoza Wahrolén and César Jiménez de Tejada Benavides that is invested in the material actualization of the architectural concept. The practice has extensive building experience with an emphasis on public work that utilizes novel solutions to the functional and necessary without sacrificing the creative or exploratory.

An international award-winning firm was selected in 2007 as Design Vanguard by Architectural Record helping its work to be published and seen in many countries. Entresitio’s constructed work has received more than 30 awards and honourable mentions. The firm participated in the 10th and 11th Spanish Biennial, the 7th BIAU (Iberoamerican Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism), twice in the Venice Biennale (2000 and 2006), the Barbara Cappochin Biennale 2011 and more, and received the ArchDaily “Building of the Year 2012” in the health care category, for its healthcare centres trilogy of San Blas+Usera+Villaverde, Madrid.

Maria and César worked together since 1993, Jose Maria joined them in 2003 after 4 years of working for Rafael Moneo and Alvar entered the studio in 2007.

Both Maria and César teach architectural design on regular basis, César at the Madrid School of Architecture (ETSAM) and Maria in the US, currently at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) after a couple of semesters at Cornell University.

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Harquitectes is a team of architects which include David Llorente (ETSAV-UPC, 2000), Xavier Ros (ETSAV-UPC, 1998), Josep Ricart (ETSAV-UPC, 1999) and Roger Tudó (ETSAV-UPC, 1999). They combine professional practice and university teaching in national schools. Their work has been exhibited in many expositions and lectures both in Spain and abroad.


2018.- Premio ‘Detail Prize 2018’
2018.- Premio ‘XII Premios NAN’
2018.- Premiado en la ‘XIV BEAU’ Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo.
2018.- ‘Premio Ciudad de Barcelona 2017’
2018.- Premio ex aequo de ‘Arquitectura de Ladrillo Hispalyt XIV’
2017.- Premio ‘Mapei a la edificación sostenible’
2017.- Premio ‘BB Construmat 2017’
2017.- Premio AD 2017 Architects of the year
2016.- Premio ‘Mostra Arquitectura Vallès’
2016.- Premio ‘Wienerberger Brick Award 2016’.
2016.- Premiado en la ‘X BIAU’ Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo.
2016.- Premiado en la ‘XIII BEAU’ Biennal Espanyola d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme.
2016.- Premio de Arquitectura de Ladrillo Hispalyt XIII Edició.
2016.- Premio ‘Catalunya Construcció’ 2016.
2015.- 1r ‘Premio Ugo Rivolta’ 2015.
2015.- Premio FAD de la opinión 2015.
2015.- Premio ‘Catalunya Construcció’ 2015.
2014.- Premio ‘Archmarathon’ 2014.
2014.- Premio de Arquitectura de Cerámica ‘Fritz Höger Preis’ categoría de vivienda Winner Gold
2013.- 1er ‘Premio A+’ al Mejor Proyecto de Arquitectura Sostenible.
2013.- ‘Premio A+ Extraordinario al Estudio Joven más Prometedor’
2012.-  Sacyr Innovación Award for ICTA-ICP Building 1102.
2012.- AJAC 2012 Award for university dwellings in Sant Cugat dle Vallès.
2012.- Hise 2012 excelencia a la innovación Award, for 712 house.
2012.- FAD 2012 Award, 712 house.
2011.- ENOR Arquitectura Joven Award for 704 Gimnasium.

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Ripoll Tizón is an architecture studio founded in 2002 by Pep Ripoll and Juan Miguel Tizón.

Pep Ripoll and Juan Miguel Tizón are architects from the Barcelona School of Architecture. Since 2002 they have shared a professional studio, combining the development of public and private promotion projects with participation in national and international architecture competitions.

They have won numerous awards in architecture competitions, among others, the first prizes for the rehabilitation of the Sa Vinyeta building in Menorca, the rehabilitation of the building of the Ministry of Health and Consumption and the Arquia-banking office, both in Palma, and several residential buildings of public promotion in Mallorca and Ibiza.

Their built work has received numerous awards, including the 2015 Gubbio Award for the best intervention in historic centers in Europe, the Ciutat de Palma Award in 2013 and 2019, the 2013 NAN Award for the best residential construction project, the APLUS 2013 Award for the best architecture project for housing, the 2011-13 Mallorca Architecture Award for the best residential work and the 2005-08 Menorca Architecture Award for the best work. They have been finalists in the 2013 FAD Awards, in the XII Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennial 2013, in the 2013 and 2016 Ugo Rivolta European Architecture Prize, in the 2013 Barbara Cappochin International Architecture Biennial and in the 2014 Mallorca Architecture Awards -2016.

Their work has been selected and exhibited at the International Architecture Biennial of Argentina 2016, at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2012, and widely disseminated in the main national and international architecture publications.
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arenas basabe palacios arquitectos was founded in 2006. Since then they have won several architecture and urban prizes. They frequently give lectures and teach at different universities and institutions. They have presented their work and research in many exhibitions around Europe. Their projects have been published in many countries including Germany, Austria, the UK, France, Korea, India and Spain.

Enrique Arenas Laorga (1974), architect graduated from ETSAM (Madrid). He has developed projects in very different areas: rehabilitation, housing, institutional and events. He has held lectures at several academic institutions and is now a researcher at ETSAM. He teaches at IED Madrid.

Luis Basabe Montalvo (1975), architect graduated from TU Graz. Since 2003 he teaches design studio at ETSAM, where he is also working on his PhD. He was a guest researcher and faculty at various Universities: RWTH Aachen (Germany), Cambridge (UK) and CEPT Ahmedabad (India).

Luis Palacios Labrador (1983), architect graduated from ETSAM (Madrid, 2009) with and Master's in Advanced Innovation and Technology (ETSAM, 2011). Since 2010 he teaches design studio at ETSAM, where he is also developing his PhD. He worked in the Netherlands and, as a teacher, he has held lectures and workshops in India and UK.

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Amann, Cánovas, Maruri, architecture firm established by: Atxu Amann Alcocer, Andrés Cánovas Alcaraz and Nicolás Maruri Mendoza.

Atxu Amann Alcocer. Madrid 1961. Architect by the ETSA of Madrid. Doctorate from ETSAM with outstanding Cum Llaude, 2007. Urban Planning Technician from the Urban Studies Center of I.E.A.L. (M.A.P.) Scholar of the Technische Hoschule of Darmstadt (Germany) in CAAD. Director of the magazine Arquitectos. Director of the Postgraduate courses in Editorial Design for the European Social Fund. Professor in the postgraduate courses of Editorial Graphic Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Madrid. Professor of the Department of Architectural Graphic Ideation of ETSAM

Andrés Cánovas Alcaraz. Cartagena 1958. Architect by the School of Architecture of Madrid. Prometheus Scholarship at Tecniche Hoschule. Darmstatd. Germany. Director of the "Monographs of Architects" Collection. Director of the "Monographs of Buildings" Collection, Director of the "Crítica de Arquitectura" Collection, Director and editor of the magazine Arquitectos, 1987-2006, Professor of the CSDM of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University, European Design Institute, Coordinator of several postgraduate courses in Graphic Design Editorial in the Faculty of Fine Arts, the European Institute of Design and the European Social Fund. Faculty of Fine Arts, UCM, Professor of the Master of Aesthetics and Theory of Arts of the Autonomous University, Professor of Design Master of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Salamanca, Professor of the Master of Intervention in the Heritage of the ETSAM Professor of the Tourism Master of the UPC of Barcelona.

He has been secretary of the Final Project Project Tribunal at ESTAM. UPM. Deputy Director of the Spanish Architecture Biennial. Director of the Summer Course at the University of Almería. Visiting Professor at the Universities of Salamanca, San Sebastián, La Coruña, Seville, Navarra, Valencia, Polytechnic of Cartagena, SEK of Segovia, Alfonso X, Advanced Architecture Institute of Barcelona, ​​Polytechnic University of Catalonia, London AA, Montpellier, Rome Tre , Calgliari, Toulouse, Javeriana from Bogotá, Chicago IIT and Arizona CAPLA. He is a professor of Projects of the ETSAM Academic Coordinator of the MCH of the ETSAM. UPM and Director of the Projects area. Professor of the subject "Sociology of Housing".

Nicolás Maruri Mendoza. Madrid 1961. Architect by the School of Architecture of Madrid. Doctorate from ETSAM with outstanding Cum Llaude, 2007. Prometheus Scholarship at Tecniche Hoschule Darmstatd. Germany. Master's Degree in Building from Columbia University. NY. He is a professor in the Projects Department of ETSAM. He has been: Secretary of the Court of the ETSAM End-of-Degree Project and Visiting Professor at the University of Arizona. He has given conferences in London AA, San Sebastian, SEK of Segovia.

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Carmen Espegel is a Professor of Architectural Projects at the School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (ETSAM-UPM). Her research focuses mainly on housing, women in architecture, and architectural criticism. She directs the Collective Housing Research Group GIVCO.

At the academic level, she has taught in Italy, the United States, Belgium, Holland, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She was Deputy Director of International Relations at the ETSAM between 2005 and 2008. Her critical thinking is reflected in books, including Carmen Espegel. Textos Críticos (2022), Atlas de los Poblados Dirigidos (2021), Donne Architetto nel Movimento Moderno (2021), Women Architects in the Modern Movement (2018), Aires Modernos, E.1027: Maison en bord de mer de Eileen Gray y Jean Badovici (2010) and Heroínas del espacio (2008).
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DL+A is an architectural office directed by José María de Lapuerta and Paloma Campo with a 25-years long career in professional practice of architecture, engineering and interior design also related to research and teaching. Our regular team gets completed by usual collaborations with engineering firms such as OVE ARUP, Úrculo Engineering, Valladares Engineering, Gogaite, Calconsa, etc.

Our works have been recognised with the most outstanding awards and, most of them, have been published in prestigious professional magazines: Two works selected in different Spanish Architecture Biennials, Madrid City Council Awards, Finalists in FAD Awards, Two prizes in EUROPAN competition, three works awarded by Offitial order of Architects of Madrid. It should be highlighted as well the obtaining of LEED Gold Certification for sustainable building for the first time in Spain in Coca-Cola Headquarters. Currently developing the projecto of the first school building in Spain with Passivhaus certificate, and near to Zero consumption building that wont have connextion to electrical supply company.
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Betsaida Curto Reyes is an architect and co-founder of the non-profit organization Community Beyond Construction. Its mission is to improve access to education by building safe and well-designed schools and learning spaces.

Community Beyond Construction works with local communities, governments, and international actors working in remote areas to help design and build schools in resource-poor environments. Ultimately, CBC aims to help provide better access to well-designed learning spaces for communities that have little or no school infrastructure. 

Their way of working is centered on their team's core values, experience, and expertise in anthropology, architecture, engineering, and construction. They design and build schools together with the community and invest time in truly understanding local needs. CBC's activities include ethnographic research; design workshops; architectural and engineering design; project development; construction management and skills training.
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Ander Bados Sesma (Bilbao, 1991) is the co-founder of the architecture firm AMAO estudio, which won the Arquia prize at the VII Festival of 2020. He obtained his degree in architecture from ETSA in Coruña and FAUP in Porto in 2016. He worked in Portugal and Peru between 2016 and 2020 to return to Bilbao and found his professional studio in 2020.
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Sol89. María González - Juanjo López de la Cruz. María (Huelva, 1975) and Juanjo (Sevilla, 1974) graduated from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla in 2000,  tenth and third in their class of a total of 348 and awarded the highest grade in their Final Degree Projects, receiving both prizes in the 13th edition of the Dragados Final Project awards. After a one-year scholarship at L´École d´Architecture de Paris-la Seine in France, they worked for the Spanish architects Javier Terrados and Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra.

Following this experience they established their own office Sol89 in 2001, a practice in which they strive to accommodate research, teaching, and professional practice. Over the years, SOL89 has had the chance to carry out and build projects throughout intermediate spaces of the city as well as reuse obsolete structures. This work has been widely published in national and international magazines and journals and has received several awards, most recently: First prizes in the Architecture Awards of the Architectural Institute of Seville and Huelva (2006, 2015, and 2016), Silver Medal of the Fassa Bortolo Prize (Italy, 2013), the Wienerberger 1st Prize (Austria, 2014), Silver Medal of the Fritz-Höger Preis (Germany, 2014), the Grand Prix Philippe Rotthier of European Architecture (Belgium, 2014), 1st prize in the X Enor Young Architecture Award (Spain, 2014) and the 40under40 prize 2014 of the Chicago Athenaeum for Young European architects (USA, 2014). They are finalists of the Spanish Biennale of Architecture 2014,  they have been nominated for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture-Mies van der Rohe Award 2015 and chosen to represent Spain in the XV Biennale di Venezia 2016, winner of the Golden Lion.

They are Associate Professors at the Department of Design of the Architecture School in Seville since 2005 and Master's degrees in Architecture and Sustainable Cities, University of Seville 2008. Their professional and academic career also spans the field of architectural thought; They have published articles and spoken at conferences, as well as directed seminars and meetings, such as the International Congress dedicated to the work of Jørn Utzon for the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (2009) and the annual seminars Acciones Comunes (2013, 2016 and 2017) for the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo about artistic and architectural strategies. They are the coauthors of the books Cuaderno Rojo (University of Seville, 2010) and Acciones Comunes (Universidad Menéndez Pelayo, 2014), and authors of Proyectos Encontrados (Recolectores Urbanos, 2012) as well as El dibujo del mundo (Lampreave, 2014). In this order, these books are reflections on research in architectural design, the debris of contemporary architectural culture, and the idea of journey and drawing in the work of the Norwegian architect Sverre Fehn.

They have been curators of the XVI Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, held in Seville in 2023.
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