CSCAE has announced today in a press conference the 21 finalist works of the ARCHITECTURE Awards, which have the official sponsorship of Compac. The jury has chosen 177 projects selected by the Official Colleges of Architects and Autonomous Councils in the first phase.

The finalist projects will compete for six prizes based on values: Sustainability and Health Prize (universal values), New Bauhaus Prize (cultural and artistic values), Habitat Prize (basic values of Architecture and Urbanism), Prize for rehabilitation (values associated with rehabilitation, renovation, and regeneration), the Profession Award (professional and ethical values) and the Commitment Award, which in this edition is reformulated to also distinguish other ways of practicing the profession, such as works of architectural dissemination and dissemination, innovation or entrepreneurship.
In addition to the prizes based on values, three special distinctions will be added: the Spanish Architecture Prize, the Spanish Urbanism Prize, and the Permanence Prize intended to recognize those works that stand out especially both for their correct aging and for their validity and relevance, as intrinsic values of Architecture and Urbanism.
"The 21 finalist proposals of the ARQUITECTURA Awards share the social and cultural values of Architecture and Urbanism and show the commitment of the profession to society through works that want to contribute to the quality of our built environment, well-being and the health of people and the sustainability of the planet."
Marta Vall-llossera, president of the CSCAE.
Along with the work of architects, the press conference also emphasized the important role of developers in promoting and guaranteeing the quality of the built environment.
The winning projects will be announced on June 22, at 7:00 p.m., in an award ceremony to be held in the Auditorium of the Museo Nacional del Prado, in which the winners will receive the sculpture "TOITS », made with Terrazzo Compac.

21 finalist projects:
Initial school 140 in the community of Santa Cruz de Villacuri “Barrio Chino”, Ica, Peru
Ander Bados Sesma, Betsaida Curto Reyes.

Murcia Congress Center
Angela Garcia de Paredes y Falla, Juan Ignacio Garcia Pedrosa.

Nature Classroom of Franqueses del Vallés
Angeles Castellarnau Visus; Josep Bunyesc i Palacin.

Plan n'UNDO #Manilva_towards a Local Urban Agenda
Beatriz Sendín Jiménez, Verónica Sánchez Carrera, Alejandro del Castillo Sánchez.

Leon Auditorium
Mansilla + Tuñón Arquitectos

Environmental restoration of the surroundings of the Rec Comtal in Vallbona. biodiversity viewpoints
Carles Enrich i Giménez

House in Red

Program "Architecture in the Wave"
David Garcia-Asenjo Llana.

Enrique Arenas Laorga, Luis Basabe Montalvo, Luis Palacios Labrador.

Podcast «After all, the city»
Architecture and Society Foundation.

Domestic sunrises. Collective housing issues in 21st century Europe.
Carmen Espegel, Andres Canovas, Jose Maria De Lapuerta.

«Raw rooms» Earth houses (43 Social Housing in Ibiza)
Marta Peris Eugenio; Jose Manuel Toral Fernandez.

Social Housing in Ibiza
José Ripoll Vaquer, Juan Miguel Tizón Garau.

Santander, Future Habitat
Miriam Garcia Garcia, Maria Pilar Diaz Rodriguez.

AIRE (Pavilion of the Urban Architecture Festival TAC! 2022)
P + S Architecture Studio (Francisco Parada + Laura R. Salvador).

Buero Vallejo Auditorium Theater in Guadalajara
Luis Rojo de Castro, Maria Begoña Fernández-Shaw Zulueta.

Landscape Adaptation and Intervention in the Almadraba of Nueva Umbrí
Maria Gonzalez Garcia, Juan Jose Lopez de la Cruz.

Day center for dependent people in Meliana, Valencia
Marta Parra Casado, Clara Rius i Sambeat, Juan Manuel Herranz Molina, Ramón Torrents i Pairo.

Eco-historical tour between Mudan and Sandiaoling
Michele Orliac; Miquel Batlle.

39 VPO homes in Turó del Sastre. Montgat
Claudi Aguiló i Aran, Xavier Vendrell i Sala.

Rehabilitation of offices 1822
David Lorente Ibáñez, Josep Ricart Ulldemolins, Xavier Ros Majo, Roger Tudó Galí.

More information

Ander Bados Sesma (Bilbao, 1991) is the co-founder of the architecture firm AMAO estudio, which won the Arquia prize at the VII Festival of 2020. He obtained his degree in architecture from ETSA in Coruña and FAUP in Porto in 2016. He worked in Portugal and Peru between 2016 and 2020 to return to Bilbao and found his professional studio in 2020.
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Betsaida Curto Reyes is an architect and co-founder of the non-profit organization Community Beyond Construction. Its mission is to improve access to education by building safe and well-designed schools and learning spaces.

Community Beyond Construction works with local communities, governments, and international actors working in remote areas to help design and build schools in resource-poor environments. Ultimately, CBC aims to help provide better access to well-designed learning spaces for communities that have little or no school infrastructure. 

Their way of working is centered on their team's core values, experience, and expertise in anthropology, architecture, engineering, and construction. They design and build schools together with the community and invest time in truly understanding local needs. CBC's activities include ethnographic research; design workshops; architectural and engineering design; project development; construction management and skills training.
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In 1992 Emilio Tuñón Álvarez (1958) and Luis M. Mansilla (1959) founded the firm MANSILLA + TUÑÓN ARQUITECTOS, awarded with the MIES VAN DER ROHE PRIZE 2007 (Prize for Contemporary Architecture of the European Union), National Prize for Spanish Architecture 2003, FAD Prize 2001.

Emilio Tuñón and Luis M. Mansilla are titular professors of the Department of Architectural Projects in Madrid. They have been professors in a number of universities, among which are the Graduate School of Design in Harvard, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne, the New School of Architecture in Puerto Rico and the Städelschule in Frankfurt. They are currently giving clases in the School of Architecture of Princeton University.

In 1993 they founded the cooperative of thought CIRCO, coming out with a publication under the same title, and which has been awarded with the FAD Special Prize 2007, the prize for the III Iberoamerican Bienal for Architecture and Engineering 2002 and the C.O.A.M. Prize 2005.

Mansilla + Tuñón were awarded the following commissions: Institucional Building for the City of the Environment in Soria (2008), Madrid Internacional Convention Center (2007), Helga de Alvear Foundation Art Center in Cáceres (2005), Lalín Town Hall (2004), Master Plan of the area of Valbuena in Logroño (2003), Library on Artists Street in Madrid (2003), Cantabria Museum (2002). Royal Collections Museum (2002), Sanfermines Museum (200l), Brescia Contemporary Cultural Center of (2000), Castellón Fine Arts Museum (1998), City of León Auditorium (1996), Cultural Center of Madrid in the old El Águila warehouse (1995).

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Carles Enrich (Barcelona, 1980) graduated at the ETSAB in Barcelona in 2005. From the beginning of his career he has combined his professional work with research, and obtained a Master degree in Theory and Practice of Architectural Projects from the UPC where he is currently a PhD Candidate. His thesis deals with the temporary occupations in the public space in Barcelona.

Associate lecturer in Projects at the ETSAB since 2016. From 2008 to 2017, he taught Projects and Urban Design at the Reus School of Architecture and, in 2015, Projects at the ETSAV. He was also visiting professor in the Extra-Local workshop organised by Columbia GSAPP in 2019, has collaborated on international master’s degrees such as the BIARCH in 2012 and the master’s degree in Restoration at the UPC in 2014, and directed the Vertical Workshop at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture in 2018.

Carles Enrich’s aim of producing practice-based knowledge led him in 2013 to set up Carles Enrich Studio, where he develops projects that cover the entire habitable territory, from the domestic sphere to landscape. The quality and rigour of the practice’s built work are endorsed by consecutive nominations for the European Union Mies Award (2017, 2019) and the Lisbon Triennale Début Award 2016; the Spanish Architecture and Urban Design Biennale Awards in 2016 and 2018, the FAD Opinion Prize in 2016, and the AJAC Awards in 2012, 2016 and 2018. They were also recognised in the studio’s participation in the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2012, with the exhibition Context in “Architectural Rowers” in the Catalan Pavilion and, in 2016, as part of the exhibition Unfinished, which earned the Spanish Pavilion the Biennale’s Golden Lion.

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estudio.entresitio is a Madrid-NY base practice, founded by María Hurtado de Mendoza Wahrolén and César Jiménez de Tejada Benavides that is invested in the material actualization of the architectural concept. The practice has extensive building experience with an emphasis on public work that utilizes novel solutions to the functional and necessary without sacrificing the creative or exploratory.

An international award-winning firm was selected in 2007 as Design Vanguard by Architectural Record helping its work to be published and seen in many countries. Entresitio’s constructed work has received more than 30 awards and honourable mentions. The firm participated in the 10th and 11th Spanish Biennial, the 7th BIAU (Iberoamerican Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism), twice in the Venice Biennale (2000 and 2006), the Barbara Cappochin Biennale 2011 and more, and received the ArchDaily “Building of the Year 2012” in the health care category, for its healthcare centres trilogy of San Blas+Usera+Villaverde, Madrid.

Maria and César worked together since 1993, Jose Maria joined them in 2003 after 4 years of working for Rafael Moneo and Alvar entered the studio in 2007.

Both Maria and César teach architectural design on regular basis, César at the Madrid School of Architecture (ETSAM) and Maria in the US, currently at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) after a couple of semesters at Cornell University.

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P + S Estudio de Arquitectura was founded in Madrid in 2019 by the architects Francisco Javier Parada Pino and Laura R. Salvador González.  The P + S studio understands the exercise of architecture and urban planning as a common practice of research and work. The study focuses on the investigation of the processes of indeterminacy, thermodynamics and entropy, applied to the exercise of architecture and urban planning.

Francisco Parada (Chile, 1984). Architect with distinction from the Universidad del Desarrollo -Santiago de Chile in 2009. He works as aprofessor in the Faculty of Architecture of the same University between 2010-2017, participating in various academic projects and publications. He simultaneously practices the profession independently between 2011-2017. Since 2018 he has been studying for a Doctorate in the Transversal Studies of Architecture and Urbanism program at ETSAM – Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Laura R. Salvador (Spain, 1989). Architect (2016) y Máster en Estudios Urbanos (2019) and Master in Urban Studies (2019) from ETSAM (Polytechnic University of Madrid). She carries out training stays at TU Delft, in the study of B.V. Doshi in Ahmedabad, in addition to numerous international workshops (ETH Zurich, CSM London, among others). Between 2012 and 2018, she collaborates with the COAM, Arquitectos Sin Fronteras (Senegal) and in an R+D+i project in the Department of Urbanism of the ETSAM, also exercising professionally independently.
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Rojo / Fernández-Shaw arquitectos is an architecture firm based in Madrid, Spain, founded in partnership by the architects María Begoña Fernández-Shaw Zulueta and Luis Rojo de Castro in 1994.

The firm has oriented its practice to the design and construction of public works, architectural competitions and academic research. They have been awarded in several architecture competitions, like the Auditorium in Guadalajara, the Centre for the Arts in Alicante, the Industrial Research Laboratories in Arnedo, a Sports Centre in Alcazar de San Juan, or a Public Housing Project in Ciudad Real. Their work has been published in a number of professional journals, among which stand Revista Arquitectura, AV, On Design, Tectónica, Detail, L'Industria de la Construzione, Space, Summa, On Arquitectura and others, and it has also been selected for the Spanish Architecture Bienale, the Biennale di Venezia and the FAD prize.

They are currently involved in the construction of the new Faculty of Sciences for the UNED University in Las Rozas, Madrid, as well as the International Center for Economic and Social Studies in Majadahonda, Madrid. They have recently completed the Sports Center of Alcazar de San Juan, Ciudad Real. Their entry for the Competition of a New Covered Swimming-pool in Saint-Prex, Switzerland, was awarded in 2015, as well as a proposal of a New Campus for the Runnymede College, Madrid, in 2016 and currently under construction.

Begoña Fernández-Shaw obtained a degree in architecture from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid en 1987 and a Master in Architecture from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. In 2001 she was appointed Adjunct Secretary to EUROPAN/Spain.

Luis Rojo de Castro graduated from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid in 1987, beginning his academic work as a professor in the Department of Architectural Projects of this School in 1992. He is currently a Professor of Projects. Luis Rojo is PhD in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, where he read the thesis "Obsessive Metaphors and Ideograms in Le Corbusier's architecture."

Having received the Fulbright Scholarship in 1987, he obtained a Master in Architecture at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University in 1989. Rojo has been Visiting Professor in the Core Program of the Department of Architecture of the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University between 1994 and 1998, teaching Option Studios in Architecture in 2002, 2006 and 2011, between 1999 and 2012 Visiting Professor in the Department of Theory and History of the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra; in 2016 he Visiting Professor of Architecture at the City College of New York and in 2019 at the Department of Architecture, China Academy of Arts. Rojo has been co-editor of CIRCO COOP magazine since its founding in 1992.

As a result of his professional and academic research, the works of Rojo / Fernández-Shaw have been published in professional magazines such as A + U, El Croquis, Cassabella, Rassegna, Tectónica, Revista Arquitectura, CIRCO, Arquitectura Ibérica, AV, Space, On Design, Detail, etc. They have given lectures on their work at the Harvard School of Design Cambridge MASS, the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Navarra, the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois Chicago ILL, the Leibniz Universität Hannover School of Architecture, the Escuela of Architecture of the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL), the BAS School of Architecture at the City College of New York, The Cooper Union (NY), the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of Tonji, Shanghai, the School of Architecture of the China Academy of Arts, the Fachhochshule at Postdam University of Arts and Sciences and the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University.
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Sol89. María González - Juanjo López de la Cruz. María (Huelva, 1975) and Juanjo (Sevilla, 1974) graduated from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla in 2000,  tenth and third in their class of a total of 348 and awarded the highest grade in their Final Degree Projects, receiving both prizes in the 13th edition of the Dragados Final Project awards. After a one-year scholarship at L´École d´Architecture de Paris-la Seine in France, they worked for the Spanish architects Javier Terrados and Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra.

Following this experience they established their own office Sol89 in 2001, a practice in which they strive to accommodate research, teaching, and professional practice. Over the years, SOL89 has had the chance to carry out and build projects throughout intermediate spaces of the city as well as reuse obsolete structures. This work has been widely published in national and international magazines and journals and has received several awards, most recently: First prizes in the Architecture Awards of the Architectural Institute of Seville and Huelva (2006, 2015, and 2016), Silver Medal of the Fassa Bortolo Prize (Italy, 2013), the Wienerberger 1st Prize (Austria, 2014), Silver Medal of the Fritz-Höger Preis (Germany, 2014), the Grand Prix Philippe Rotthier of European Architecture (Belgium, 2014), 1st prize in the X Enor Young Architecture Award (Spain, 2014) and the 40under40 prize 2014 of the Chicago Athenaeum for Young European architects (USA, 2014). They are finalists of the Spanish Biennale of Architecture 2014,  they have been nominated for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture-Mies van der Rohe Award 2015 and chosen to represent Spain in the XV Biennale di Venezia 2016, winner of the Golden Lion.

They are Associate Professors at the Department of Design of the Architecture School in Seville since 2005 and Master's degrees in Architecture and Sustainable Cities, University of Seville 2008. Their professional and academic career also spans the field of architectural thought; They have published articles and spoken at conferences, as well as directed seminars and meetings, such as the International Congress dedicated to the work of Jørn Utzon for the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (2009) and the annual seminars Acciones Comunes (2013, 2016 and 2017) for the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo about artistic and architectural strategies. They are the coauthors of the books Cuaderno Rojo (University of Seville, 2010) and Acciones Comunes (Universidad Menéndez Pelayo, 2014), and authors of Proyectos Encontrados (Recolectores Urbanos, 2012) as well as El dibujo del mundo (Lampreave, 2014). In this order, these books are reflections on research in architectural design, the debris of contemporary architectural culture, and the idea of journey and drawing in the work of the Norwegian architect Sverre Fehn.

They have been curators of the XVI Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, held in Seville in 2023.
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Michèle & Miquel is an architecture urbanism and landscape atelier, based in Barcelona, Spain and Toulouse, Francia. It was founded in 1996 by Michèle Orliac and Miquel Batlle.

The team take part in the development of public spaces, urban facilities, strategic points, urban peculiar situations…etc. The philosophy of their work lies in the relationship between the city, architecture and nature, urban planning and landscape architecture and the articulation of different scales: from territorial scale to detail.

Throughout the professional life of the study, many projects have been developed in different topics such as Public spaces and urban facilities (Hortus wineries in Valflaunes, Wallon Marcadau refuge in the National Park of Pyrenees, or the canopies in Vieux Boucau); Director plan of public spaces (Director plan beach in VIEUX BOUCAU in the Atlantic Ocean).

Many projects have been recognized in national and international awards including:

By The Dark Line: AFEX Award 2023 (FR), BEAU XVI Award (ESP), Landezine International Landscape Award 2023, Arquin fad 2023 (ESP), IFLA ASIA PAC Excellence Award 2023, Architettura LOVERS il Premio 2023 (ITA), INT. design Grand Prix du Design paysage & territoires 2023, (CAN), WLA Merit Award Winner 2023, Taiwan Environment Lighting 2023, Building of the Year METALOCUS 2023 (ESP).
Award, The 7th Taiwan Landscape 2019.
First prize in the FAD 2017 award. International category with the project Le Jardin NIEL in TOULOUSE, France.
Selected in the international Mies van der Rohe 2017 award with the project Winery in Montpellier, France.
First prize in the FAD 2011 award, landscape and city category, with de project Aigües Park in Figueres, Spain.
First prize in the Trophées de l’aménagement Urbain award three times: at Pams Port Street in Vendres, France; at the ARLES SUR TECH square, France; and at the fairground in Treffort, France.
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dataAE is a multidisciplinary architecture studio, founded in 2000 by Claudi Aguiló, architect, and Albert Domingo engineer. They have won several competitions in architecture and landscape. Awards received include: the FAD public opinion Prize in 2007, finalists of Catalonia Construction Prize 2008, 1st Prize in the single-family home category in the Baix Llobregat Triennial 2008, Selection Landscape Biennal Rosa Barba 2008, JAE selection (Young Spanish Architects) 2008, selected for Spanish Architecture Biennale 2009, Finalist FAD awards 2009, Selection Landscape Biennale Rosa Barba 2009, 1st Prize ‘Saie Award 2011 the best concrete building’ (Bologna, Italy), Selection ‘Green Building Challenge 2011’, Selection Landscape Biennale Rosa Barba 2012, 1st Prize Nan Awards 2012, best residential work, 1st Prize AJAC Awards for a built project in 2012 to young architects, 1st Prize AJAC Awards for a none built project 2012 to young architects. Their work has been selected in the recent exhibition Sensitive Matter 2010 in Lisbon, La Coruña, and Berlin.

Claudi Aguiló born in 1972, architect for ETSAV in 2001, from 2002 to 2006 had a FI Research Grant at the University of Architecture in Vallés, ETSAV, in the Department of Architectural Technology, where he continues to teach. He has also taught nationally and internationally at various universities, such as ETSAB (Barcelona), LaSalle (Barcelona), University of Illinois at Chicago, and ERASMUS Intensive Program Workshops in Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Belgium, and Poland. He was a visiting professor at the Rural Studio at Auburn University School of Architecture in Alabama and is an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the Institute of Architecture BIArch 2010 in Barcelona. He has collaborated on writing technology articles in Quaderns magazine between 2006-2010.

Albert Domingo, 1999, Engineer Graduated from ETSEIB. UPC. 2007 Master's Ph.D. in Building Project Management. He has worked in local architectural and engineering offices developing different works in the field of technical support, structural analysis, cost managements and building management.

Act.>. 01/2013

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Harquitectes is a team of architects which include David Llorente (ETSAV-UPC, 2000), Xavier Ros (ETSAV-UPC, 1998), Josep Ricart (ETSAV-UPC, 1999) and Roger Tudó (ETSAV-UPC, 1999). They combine professional practice and university teaching in national schools. Their work has been exhibited in many expositions and lectures both in Spain and abroad.


2018.- Premio ‘Detail Prize 2018’
2018.- Premio ‘XII Premios NAN’
2018.- Premiado en la ‘XIV BEAU’ Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo.
2018.- ‘Premio Ciudad de Barcelona 2017’
2018.- Premio ex aequo de ‘Arquitectura de Ladrillo Hispalyt XIV’
2017.- Premio ‘Mapei a la edificación sostenible’
2017.- Premio ‘BB Construmat 2017’
2017.- Premio AD 2017 Architects of the year
2016.- Premio ‘Mostra Arquitectura Vallès’
2016.- Premio ‘Wienerberger Brick Award 2016’.
2016.- Premiado en la ‘X BIAU’ Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo.
2016.- Premiado en la ‘XIII BEAU’ Biennal Espanyola d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme.
2016.- Premio de Arquitectura de Ladrillo Hispalyt XIII Edició.
2016.- Premio ‘Catalunya Construcció’ 2016.
2015.- 1r ‘Premio Ugo Rivolta’ 2015.
2015.- Premio FAD de la opinión 2015.
2015.- Premio ‘Catalunya Construcció’ 2015.
2014.- Premio ‘Archmarathon’ 2014.
2014.- Premio de Arquitectura de Cerámica ‘Fritz Höger Preis’ categoría de vivienda Winner Gold
2013.- 1er ‘Premio A+’ al Mejor Proyecto de Arquitectura Sostenible.
2013.- ‘Premio A+ Extraordinario al Estudio Joven más Prometedor’
2012.-  Sacyr Innovación Award for ICTA-ICP Building 1102.
2012.- AJAC 2012 Award for university dwellings in Sant Cugat dle Vallès.
2012.- Hise 2012 excelencia a la innovación Award, for 712 house.
2012.- FAD 2012 Award, 712 house.
2011.- ENOR Arquitectura Joven Award for 704 Gimnasium.

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peris+toral.arquitectes. Founded in 2005 by Marta Peris and Jose Manuel Toral, both graduated from ETSAB, peris+toral.arquitectes is an architecture practice based in Barcelona, which combines its professional activity with the academic one. They are currently working on different projects, both in housing and public space, while working as teachers in the  Faculty of Architecture in Barcelona (ETSAB) and IED.

Their work has been published in architecture books and magazines, nationally and internationally, and exhibited in UIA Tokyo 2011, París 2009 and the Venice Biennal 2000. Theoretically, the practice has published articles in architecture books and magazines, including Arquitectura COAM,  Ed. Fundamentos and  DC Papers are to highlight. Their work has been recognized with awards such as AJAC Joves Arquitectes 2011, FAD 2009 award finalists,  and Saloni d’Arquitect award finalists.

finalists2024  Winner RIBA International Prize
2024  Winner RIBA International Awards for Excellence
2024  Winner Global Galvanizing Award 
2024  Winner Construmat Awards Sustainability 
2023  Premio Especial Asturiana de Zinc - Premios ATEG 
2023  Premio Fassa Bartolo Prize Sustainable Architecture
2023  Obra destacada Mostra arquitectura de Barcelona
2022  Finalista Premio MIES VAN DER ROHE Award
2022  Winner Grand Prix du Design Platinium Winner
2022  Winner EDUWIK Architecture Excellence Awards
2022  Winner Gold Award BEST ARCHITECTS - Gold Award
2022  Winner Best Multi-family Housing Future House Awards
2022  Winner Wood Design & Building Award
2021  Winner. Premio Europeo di Architettura MATILDE BAFFA UGO RIVOLTA 2021. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Gold Award. BEST ARCHITECTS 22. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  First Prize. Premios MAPEI a la Arquitectura Sostenible 2021. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner Jury's TOP PICK. BLT Built Design Awards - Social Housing. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. THE PLAN AWARD 2021 - Social Housing. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner Best of best. ARCHITECTURE MASTERPRIZE AMP 2021 - Residential Multi Unit. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner ex-aequo. Premio CATALUNYA CONSTRUCCIÓ 2021 - Innovació a la construcció. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. Premio A+ by DAIKIN  - Vivienda plurifamiliar. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. XV Premios NAN Arquitectura y construcción 2021 - Residencial. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. Premio de opinión, PREMIO FAD DE ARQUITECTURA. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Awarded. Arquitectura y Urbanismo, BEAU XV. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà

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Published on: May 17, 2023
Cite: "21 finalists for the Architecture CSCAE Awards" METALOCUS. Accessed
<> ISSN 1139-6415
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