"In my Backyard" Housing Solutions for Asylum-Seekers

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Hani Jaber Ávila-Ricardo Mayor Luque-Héctor Muñoz Mendoza-Ignacio Taus Jiménez DAT PANGEA

DAT Pangea is an office of Architecture based between Madrid and Paris. “Designs for Architectural Territories” stands for a program of action – where Architectural Design is a method to raise and potentially solve societal deficiencies. DAT Pangea works in Socially-focused Sustainable Architectural Designs. Pangea’s style works to develop Projects that aim for a dialog between Architecture and Politics, taking key Social problems into consideration while offering appropriate Design solutions to address specific issues at hand. DAT Pangea was established in 2012 while drinking a beer in Fogg Bar in Madrid. It is proudly formed by Hani Jaber Ávila, Ricardo Mayor Luque, Héctor Muñoz Mendoza and Ignacio Taus Jimenez.


Quatorze -Romain Minod, Claire Savina, Ruben Salvador Torres and Daniel Millor Vela- aims to develop a social and solidarity architecture. As a non-profit organization Quatorze synchronizes the energies of civil society, state institutions and universities to carry out projects from the bottom (bottom-up).

It combines theoretical knowledge and building skills. Going beyond utopia thanks to co-design feasible dreams. Through the exchange of process design, Quatorze helps communities identify their own projects. From shantytowns to FabLabs, from beneficiaries to those responsible, Quatorze works as a mediator to emphasize the creation of common spaces.



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